How Much Space For A Flame Angle

the new guy16

New Member
Hy Im new to the hoppy if saltwater fish keeping and need some info. What I would like to do is a 15 to 40g and have 1 flame angle 2 percular clows, with 3 or more types of croal. Now the two main resons I wont to try this is my dad used to have a reef tank and his favorite fish was the flame angle, and a saw a tank that I thot was beetwen a 29 and 40g and had 1 angle with 2 clows but this was in the nicest and most expencive store ive been in. So the main thing I would like to know are is what im thinking of even posible and if so how hard and expincive right nowIam thinking 500$ to 700$.


Active Member
this is a copy paste directly from this site
"The Flame Angel should be kept in a tank of 50 gallons or larger, so it'll have ample room to roam. "

the new guy16

New Member
Thanks for the info but I was expecting that from a store see right now Im in cichlids and have notest that stores are careful, they will tell you that lets say a 50g is the smallest tank you can use for a sertain fish when in reality the fish can be kepet in a 30g long as well, but by telling you to put the fish in lager tank then it needs they protect them selves for pople who dont know what they are doing and well blam the store for there scew up.
What I shoud have sed was has any body tryed this.
PS ( sorry if I sounded like an a-hole)


Active Member
well u can put anything you want in any size tank you want but the bottom line is what is healthy for the fish. Would a flame angel survive in a 40g? of course. Would it be happy? maybe
if not over crowded it may work great.

bang guy

Originally Posted by The New guy16
have notest that stores are careful, they will tell you that lets say a 50g is the smallest tank you can use for a sertain fish when in reality the fish can be kepet in a 30g long as well, but by telling you to put the fish in lager tank then it needs they protect them selves for pople who dont know what they are doing and well blam the store for there scew up.
I have found the opposite to be true. They'll tell you a Hippo Tang need a minimum of a 55 gallon tank when in fact they shouldn't really be in anything smaller than a 120.
If you have a 30 gallon they'll tell you it will be fine until you get a bigger tank.


Active Member
With any small angel I would not go anyless than a 40 and thats pushing it. Angels need alot of live rock to graze on all day long. They need more than 1- 6" rock, they need like 70-100 lbs. of live rock. NOT base rock, live.


If you follow the 1-1.5 lbs of LR per ga of water. I think a 30 ga is fine for a dwarf angel. I've done it and many of my friends have also.
I have a blue tang in a 10 ga tank. Most people here would be against that big time but he's barely larger then a nickel at most. Will eventually go into my 45 ga when it gets slightly larger.