How often do you wipe down the inside of your tank?


I was just curious to see if its just me. I have to wipe my glass atleast 1 X a week or better. If I wait the full week. The glass is hazy with algae. I have an acrylic tank. I don't think that has anything to do with it. But when its clean:eek: its clear.


Active Member
i do it daily just because.. i could do it every 2-3 days if i wanted.. but it only takes a min. and i enjoy looking at the tank while i do it.


I do it once or twice a day. I was wondering if those who have to do it more often are the one's whose systems don't have a refugium. I don't have one and I do it very often


Yea, No refugium and it needs it a few times a week. I only do the front of my tank. I don't use a magfloat. I have one but it sometimes gets a grain of sand in it and it will scratch the acrylic. So now I have the Kent pole and soft mop head thing. Which works great if I use it every day. I usually use a hand mit. That works great in my seamless bends in the acrylic. The plaztic scraper head for the kent pole works awsome as well. Just some of my thoughts on acrylic cleaning products.


Active Member
Once or twice a week. No refugium. Once or twice a month I use a razor blade to clean the coraline off.