How often should my Clowns eat?


Hello Everyone
I finally added my first fish to my cycled tank. They were 2 Pecula Clowns about an inch long. Along with them I have 6 snails, 2 shrimp and a couple of crabs. My LFS told me to feed them a 1/2 a cube of myssis shrimp, which I've been doing. Is that OK or should it be more; they always look hungry


I don’t add more food them the fish will eat in about two minutes. I mix the shrimp and formula one, two and three up then feed it to my fish. But I also have a foxface with the clowns.


Active Member
i feed my fish (2 false perc. clowns, megenta dottyback, engieer goby, coral beauty, yellow watchmen goby, scooterblenny) 1 cube every other day, on days i dont feed frozen food i feed nori or flake food


With clowns I think you could honestly feed them 50 times a day and they will still act hungry. They beg as much as a puppy.