Originally Posted by
....and who was this???? Maybe you took it out of context, because "the best tank is the one you never touch" is actually good advice. But he/she was probably not saying don't do water changes.
I agree with doing as little to the tank as possible, but I still do water changes even though I don't need to.
I have a 55 gallon reef (imagine a 100 gallon cut in half 30lx20dx20h).
This one has been set up as fowlr for 3 1/2 years, but was converted to a reef for the last 6 months. I have lots of life in there and a really well balances system. Almost everything was taken from my other reef tanks that I have taken down. My only problem in the tank is a recent (about a month) infestation of Zoanthid eating Nudibranches.
I feed my tank 3x, top off and search for nudi pests daily.
My weekly maintenance consists of wiping the front glass (leave the sides and back for the clean up crew), adding supplements and empting my protein skimmer (collects very little).
Water tests are done every 2-3 weeks and are always perfect.
I do 20% water changes and clean the canister filter (I only use floss) every 3-4 months.
3" bed (80lbs) live sand, 50lbs live rock, Canister filter, HOB refugium, Protein skimmer & Power sweep
Hippo and Sailfin tang, Pair GSM clownfish Lyretail Anthias, Coral Beauty, Pair of Dusky Pipefish, Coral Banded Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp, 7 Peppermint Shrimp, 4 Serpent Starfish, 8 Emerald Crabs, 2 Horseshoe Crabs, tons of Hermits and Snails, 4 clams, 2 flame scallops, 4 Cleaner Clams, 6 feather dusters, Zoanthids everywhere, Ricordia everywhere, Misc Mushrooms everywhere, yellow and purple whip Gorgonias, Tree Sponges, Frogspawn, Hammer, Aveopora, Green Star Polyps and a whole bunch that I probably forgot about.
Pic was taken when the daylights just came on so not everything is as happy as it usually is.