My yellowtail damsel, I have had himsince feb. 2004 but I'm not exactly sure how old he is. He was my first, my tank was set up the same month. Had my cb for about 2 months now too.
It's actually a frshwater tropheus african chiclid that I've had for 8 years. As far saltwater...the longest was powder blue which I had for about 5 years (sad when he died of ich) and now my longest is my majestic angel which i have had for about 3 1/2 years or so.
My flase perc clown Ive had about 3 years. he survived a massive hair algea attack with hair a few inches long, and a move from one tank to another, then a move from one house to another, and a transition from crushed coral to sand. Hes a trooper!