How prone are Blue Hippos...


New Member
How prone are blue Hippos to ich? Are they more so than your average clownfish? And how would you go about preventing the disease? Anyone that has some advice I would greatly appreciate:)
~Marks Girl


Active Member
Wayyyyy more seceptable to ich than your average clown fish. I dont think I've ever seen a clownfish with ich. Hippo tangs immune system are fragile and affected by diet and stress. Being a rather shy species that likes alot of real estate and rockwork doesn't help as far as keeping them stress free in an aquarium evirnment. Of all the saltwater fish I've had since I started about 93' or so Blue Hippo tang is the ONLY fish I've ever had to catch ich (course I'm a bit wiser now stringent on maintenence now) even though no other fish in the tank ever caught it.


VERY PRONE! I'm so frustrated right now with mine. She showed signs of ich, so I put her in my qt and treated with copper for about 2 weeks. She was doing well, no spots. Well after 2 damn days of going backinto the display, SHE IS COVERED. I had to catch her again and back in the display she goes. I just dont get it. No OTHER fis in my tank has ich. I'm not sure what else to do. It's almost like I should let her live in the qt for good.


New Member
Thanks for the advice!! I was thinking about getting one, but might wait till I am better suited to keeping one. I have had my tank up for almost 2 years now with no disease problems whatsoever, so I don't really want any to start!
~Marks Girl


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marksgirl
And how would you go about preventing the disease?
~Marks Girl
QT for 4-6 weeks.Feed food w/ garlic,zoe,and selcon to boost immune system.If it showed a small amount of ich,I would continue the aforementioned routine.
If it had a full blown case I would do hypo-salinity treatment.
Copper is not good for affects their internal organs,sometimes beyond repair.


It's my understanding with them being a peaceful fish some other fish can cause them to get ich. I plan to add one as my first fish to my 175. I will also be running a uv sterlizer. Wish me luck After her the Salfin Tang will be going in. Then the more agreesive such as Lion and eel.


Active Member
when i purchased mine about 8 months ago i recieved it with ich and i dont have a qt tank. the ich got soo bad that the blue tang could not see, all ovr eyes, fins, skin, and i would assume gills. so they told me the way to get rid of them was to...

1. buy a UV sterilizer
2. use garlic extreme
3. while the fish has the ich slowly raise temp to 82 then when there were no more on the tang they said to lower it slowly.
the higher temp makes the ich relese their host quicker, the garlic strengthens the fishes immune system, and the UV at proper water speed kills the ich.
since i have dont this i have not had one case of ich on any of my fish.
also with the garlic i add it right to the water instead of adding it to food, being that my tang was unable to eat being that he couldnt see this was my only option so ive been doing it this way since then. i only add garlic to the water whenevr i think something stresful happens like water change, or when ever you need to put your hands in the tank for any reason.
And now my tang is perfectly healthy about 6" and its eyesight did return, damage was not permanant, THANK GOD :cheer:


Thanks reef, nice advise, i am getting the uv sterilizer tomorrow! The outbreak is not as bad as i realize I made it seem. Its just a few spots on the body of my hippo. I'm goin to qt her for at least 2 weeks, by then the uv will be running in my display. When you guys say garlic, is crushed or minced garlic you use for cooking ok?


Active Member
its a pruduct called garlic exreme i believe its harlic extract but i would purchase it if i were you, i think i bought a 4 oz bottle from amazon for like $6
but when you put it directly into the tank like i do it says 1 drop per 10 gallons which is a pain in the ass so i just do a short squirt which i would guess is about 6 drops. i add it into my wet dry right over the return pump so that the return pump spreads it out throughout the tank.
and if you dont like the smell of a garlic bagel then your going to hate this stuff. smells are only temporary goes away about 1-2 hrs after you put it in.


Active Member
highly prone to ich .healthy diet good water and not tang agressive tank mates.they catch it just about every a change is made into a tank such as a move a an upgrade or other fish pestering it.if you keep them fat and healthy they can ward it off quite well .


My hippo shows a few signs of ich (just a few spots) about once a month for 1-2 days. Gives my shrimp (2 cleaner, 1 fire) something to pick off him. My shrimp are always cleaning all my fish, highly recommeded! Plus they're fun to watch. I also use a UV sterilizer and garlic guard by seachem.


Active Member
imo no, yellow tangs are much harder, and if they do catch it, they're that much more likely to shake it off...
my yellow tang in the year i've had it....has had ich twice...both times ...i think the fish killed the ich its so


I've had my hippo for 3 years now in a fairly aggressive set up, never had ich. Sometimes you just get lucky I guess


Mine gets ICH I feed it a garlic mixture I made in with its food, ICH goes away and a week later comes back. Its the only fish in the tank that gets it. Got me. ICH magnets they are I guess.


The problem is the ich is still in your tank when you reintroduce the tang back into the tank. The life cycle of ich is about a month and it requires NO fish in the tank to die out. If you have a fish in there they can continue to live from that fish. Like it's been mentioned, some fish such as clowns are much tougher than tangs so they "carry" the ich and keep it going so when you throw the tang into the tank, it gets it all over again.


Active Member
UV. This will help out BIG TIME.
no ich out breaks for me!...and if they do...the typically stay on the fish thats introduced...the ich falls off....uv kills gets better...ich be gone.