How things can go bad in 24 hours!


Active Member
Last night I couldn't find my midas blenny and sixline wrasse. I looked behind the tank and there was my blenny!!

I never did find the sixline. I was so pissed. I didn't think there was enough room in the back of the canopy for a jumper. I will buy another one along with some eggcrate. I was really enjoying the midas.
Anyway, the whole crew was together on Tuesday night and then to lose possibly two in 24 hours really sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Last night I couldn't find my midas blenny and sixline wrasse. I looked behind the tank and there was my blenny!!

I never did find the sixline. I was so pissed. I didn't think there was enough room in the back of the canopy for a jumper. I will buy another one along with some eggcrate. I was really enjoying the midas.
Anyway, the whole crew was together on Tuesday night and then to lose possibly two in 24 hours really sucks!!!

I hate it when our critters commit sushi...I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Some nylon mesh along the back of the canopy might help more than eggcrate. Fish get past eggcrate to kill themselves all the time.


Active Member
Thanks. I may look into that also. I will come up with something before adding another blenny. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and fix it in case one of my other fish start having suicidal thoughts!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Everything except a Yellow Tang and a pair of Clownfish.

Well I hope an opossum doesn't get into my tank!

Actually I see more armadillos than oppossums ... but they are just oppossum on a half shell anyway.


Just got home from work...and my cat was playing behind the 54G....he NEVER does that....wellllllllll
there was my firefish :( he jumped...I have had him since October 2008...he looked so happy this morning too
R.I.P. little guy


Active Member
Sorry to hear that. I have heard that they can be jumpers. I never expected the blenny to be one. I will start dosing the tank with Prozac to calm them down!


Originally Posted by meowzer
Just got home from work...and my cat was playing behind the 54G....he NEVER does that....wellllllllll
there was my firefish :( he jumped...I have had him since October 2008...he looked so happy this morning too
R.I.P. little guy

I'll bet the cat was taunting him through the glass and he just tried to defend himself.


Active Member
I actually have a bathouse in my yard but I don't think bats have ever taking up residence. I heard that they were good for mosquito control. Anyway, just clean the tank good but I think you have already done that.
I just called my LFS and they will be ordering me another blenny. There is also a golden midas blenny that is twice the cost. I was told that the color is much deeper but I went with the 'ole regular blenny. It will be another fish for the hawkfish to harass. Why can't the hawk jump out?


I cleaned the tank like new, but the rock I scrubbed and rinsed with saltwater before adding to the tank and the sand I stirred the crud out. I was concerned I would have a mini cycle but it did ok. I guess you have plenty of beneficial bacteria in place when you let all your fish and cuc and corals die without removing them and let a bat rot in your tank. All was good test wise for almost a week with a snowflake eel and ghost feeding so It was time to add fish.