anyone have any tips on how to clean a swingarm hydrometer??? thanks, Greg
balistidae Member Apr 12, 2004 #1 anyone have any tips on how to clean a swingarm hydrometer??? thanks, Greg
zanemoseley Active Member Apr 12, 2004 #2 fill it with diluted vinegar and let it sit for a few hours then rinse with water
balistidae Member Apr 12, 2004 #4 thanks guys..I was just beginning to worry about acuracy seeing how the needle sticks sometimes...Greg
thanks guys..I was just beginning to worry about acuracy seeing how the needle sticks sometimes...Greg
T thomas712 Guest Apr 12, 2004 #5 Want accuracy go with a refractometer, I've never regreted getting one. you don't need an expesive one to get good results. I agree with the others I have used vinegar and RO water in my old hydrometer.
Want accuracy go with a refractometer, I've never regreted getting one. you don't need an expesive one to get good results. I agree with the others I have used vinegar and RO water in my old hydrometer.
legion Member Apr 14, 2004 #6 got my refracto for 40 bucks shipped and keep my swing arm and glass lab in the closet
T thomas712 Guest Apr 14, 2004 #7 Just for fun measure your salinity with both, let us know if there is a difference.