I agree Snipe, my guys won't always take food.
mudplayerx, I understand your concern about regergitated food spoiling water. I watch my tanks alot and I feed them in the early evening. Usually by late that same night, they eliminate and I pick it up with my aquarium tongs to throw it out. And if I miss anything, it is picked up with my weekly water changes, which I believe in each week because it makes the animals happy and I do like to feed, so it cleans the water.
I will take your suggestion about reading the articles from the author you suggested.
I just think that the "underfeeding" concept goes to far the other way, and in some cases stunts animals growth.
Some people I think might reply to Snipes comments that her anemone spits out food sometimes if it doesn't want to eat as a sign that it found the particular food unacceptable to it. I would buy that theory, if different food was offered all the time. I generally feed my guys cut up pieces of raw shrimp and occaisional treats of baby neck clam meat, krill or other meaty fish food.
I just am a firm believer of offering food dialy to all living things and if they eat it, fine, if not then thats ok too.
Yes, people too can go for a day and longer without food, but we don't - we eat every day and several times a day. Can we live days without food, yes. Did primative man sometimes not eat for a few days because he had to hunt for his food, if he could get it, yes. But mankind lives longer lives today because of better knowledge, medicine developement, and daily food with a target of balanced nutrition as much as possible.
I think all living things, humans, plants, dogs, cats, fish and verts....all, need certain things everyday or at least have the opportunity for it.
Snipe, how often do you offer your anemones food and do you vary their food choices often or what?
Plus I like to feed, it's fun...so there is something in it for me.
I think, you really need to gauge it on how the animal looks. If it looks healthy, and it aint broke, don't fix it.