How to lower Ca ???


Other than a water change(s) is there a way to lower the Ca ??
MIne is off of thee charts!! COnfirmed with two different kits.
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
What are your pH and alk levels, and what additives are you adding?
What is the highest level on your calcium chart. If calcium gets too high it will precipitate out of the water as a solid, it will look like it is snowing in your tank.


I have Salifert Ca test kit. The highest reading is 500. I can empty another entire syringe of reagent #3 and it will still be pink! I need to add more until the stopper is at .70 before it will turn colors.
I was adding Kent Calcium per directions, and Coral-vite per directions and Capful of kent iodine per week, phytoplex 2 caps week
Alk 3.09
pH 8.4
NH# 0.0
Nitrates 10
nitrites 0.0
PO4 0.0


I bought it maybe6 months ago. I also have a Strontium kit that makes you test Ca first and it shows that it is off of the charts too. Who know how old the reagents are, there is not an expiration date on them.


Active Member
Just a question:
Why were you adding calcium if it was showing off the scale on your test kit?
If your calcium was over 500, dsoesn't it start forming like snow in the water? I'm sure something like thast happens.
Get a second opinion on calcium test results?

bang guy

Water changes are probably the safest way. If your Ca isn't precipitating then it's not harmful, just unstable.


Ca got too high because I was NOT testing like I should have, just blindly dosing, won't do that again.
Good idea on the control test for the frehly mixed H2O!