How to make wife LOVE your reef tank!!!


Active Member
How dangerous do you think it would be to put a gold coins in the tank and keep it there in the sandbed?
Just a few old gold coins that I am thinking might look cool in the bottom sandbed.


Active Member
i think it would be fine, great idea too, just remember now that there has been treasure in there before she might think that's her treasure too...tobin


Active Member
haha that is a creative way to get her to be looking in the tank! good job and well executed, and grats. just hope she isnt continuing to look in the tank more isnt a sign that you need to , well , purchase more interest for her. lol


Great job RFB I am using that one on my anniversary Sunday
I upgraded my wife to a 3ct from 1.5ct also not to change the subject but I noticed you have a CC bed in that tank do you have probs cleaning it or with any of your cleaning crew if you have any.


Active Member
Nope. No issues cleaning.
I am a one man saltwater Mythbusters army.
In defense, my CC is super fine. More like course sand. Never had any issues with it. Had to run heavy substrate because I run extreme flow.
make sure and take pictures of when you put the ring in the tank. Would love to see it.


Haha!!!!..good work dude!!..I guess I owe mine an upgrade as well since the last 2 weeks i've had my saws and drills in the living room building my new stand and she has been a total trooper...Congrats!!!!!


i used that method to propose to my girlfriend. The our lfs manager was in on it and helped me out immensely. the only thing was that she is so into it she thought the shiny thing was a piece of bubble algea at first!!

coral keeper

Active Member
congrats!!!! Nice job lol. It was really funny and very creative!!! lol.
But becarfull to who ever is going to do that, the fish might have a $1000 meal lol.
I will do the same thing when i get married. lol.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Like the title of this thread says,
It also lets you flat stack lumber in the living room while you build a ginormous stand.
She is being super patient, and this morning I woke up to some cash in the empty DT..Yes also sitting in living room floor.
Attached was the following note- first corals on me. (80.00) I slowly looked over both shoulders like I was a raccoon sitting at the edge of a trap,.... but snatched it and ran to the lumber yard!
Nice work with the ring! Nobody leaves me money for my tank
Usually I'm opening my wallet at lunch and going WTF? After 17 yrs together she occasionally will leave me a note to let me know there was a raid on my wallet.
Once again well played


Shoot I thought my husband throwing my engagment ring into my margarita at dinner was a great idea.. everyone in the resturant knew what was going on but me. That was an awesome idea you did tho, its going to be something special she will remember forever.


And Bump for tizzo, I never saw this thread!
The ring was a great idea.
The sentiments behind the size of each stone was incredibly special. The anniversary of that day is right around the corner, lol. You can show her "what happened a year ago".
Your very sweet. Guys like you are one in a million.


Active Member
I considered this approach, but well, decided it was best to not incorporate my fish tank into a proposal.