How to Propagate Mini/Maxi Carpet Anemones Psychopath Style... Simple.(720p HD)


Active Member
thats really cool! so when you slice them, do u just put them in the tank again? or do u use a rubber band or something to anchor them to the rocks? and how long does it take until they fully recover?


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
thats really cool! so when you slice them, do u just put them in the tank again? or do u use a rubber band or something to anchor them to the rocks? and how long does it take until they fully recover?
I just throw them in a lo flow area.. no rubber bands since these guys will move more than a typical mushroom.


Unlike mushrooms the foot is sticky, they may float around until they find a place to anchor but they stick on their own.


Originally Posted by IbanEz
Unlike mushrooms the foot is sticky, they may float around until they find a place to anchor but they stick on their own.
Yes and no really..
The feet of both are about the same.. however the reaction time of the maxi/mini carpet is much quicker than a "mushroom" coral. :)