How to raise PH and where to get Calc test



Water parameters
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate- 0
Ammonia - 0
Alk - 175
Salinity 1.023 (according to stupid plastic gauge refracto on the way)
Temp - 79F
PH - 8.0
I am not sure how accurate my salinity is. I tried to raise it on my last 10% water change and it did absolutely nothing. I was hoping to raise my PH to a more acceptable level, but not sure how. More info I just switched to RO/DI water so all but 10% of my water is faucet water. I am using 40lbs of live sand 50lbs of live rock, I have a wet/dry filter system with about 5lbs of live rock in the sump area, a Coralife Super Skimmer rated for 125gal in my sump. My current tank inhabitants are 1 pistol shrimp, several large turbo snails, several scarlett hermits, several blue hermits. Have a Blue Spot watchman in QT right now. This is a FOWLR tank.
Also I have looked at several stores in the area. How do I test for calcium levels? I have not seen any test kit for this anywhere. Should I just add some calcium additive once a week? Please advise on PH and Calc. Thanks in advance. ***)

bang guy

Your PH is fine, don't try to change it. Just make sure you have enough waterflow and your skimmer isn't clogged.
Salinity needs to be raised gradually, doing it during a water change is too fast. Replace evaporated water with saltwater instead of fresh water until the specific gravity is where you want it. It's not really low enough to cause problemsbut bumping it up a bit is fine.
I'd recommend a Calcium kit. It's a good parameter to know. I would not dose any additive you don't test for.


I have been looking for a calcium kit for weeks now. Can't seem to find one at any of my LFS. All my equipment is working well. If my PH is ok why do i keep reading on here to keep it around 8.4. And I wasn't trying to change my salinity drastically but a .001 change would have been nice. Stupid gauge didn't budge. Is 1.021 salinity too low for inverts?

bang guy

This is a really good Calcium test kit ---> Salifert Calcium Test
If someone is telling you that you need to maintain PH at 8.4 by adding chemicals to your tank then they don't understand saltwater systems.
1.021 isn't a Salinity reading it's a specific gravity reading. There's a significant difference but for now, yes, a S.G. of 1.021 is too low for reef inverts. 1.024 - 1.027 is a good range to maintain. The Salinity you are targeting is 35ppt - 37ppt.


Active Member
A PH of 8.0 if just fine... what time of the day did you test it?? Also, when you get your SG up it will help increase the PH.
I look at PH as an "indication" only... meaning if the PH is low, it is indicating you may have a problem with circulation or C02 buildup, low alkalinity, a buildup of organic acids, etc. If you fix the problem then the PH will return to normal.
but again, a PH of 8.0 is FINE.


Ok thanks for the help guys. I will slowly bring my SG up. Hopefully my refractometer arrives soon. That stupid little gauge just doesn't seem to cut it. I test my PH usually a little after noon. Generally I do all my testing at about 1-3pm. Thanks again for the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlackburnD
Ok thanks for the help guys. I will slowly bring my SG up. Hopefully my refractometer arrives soon. That stupid little gauge just doesn't seem to cut it. I test my PH usually a little after noon. Generally I do all my testing at about 1-3pm. Thanks again for the help.
i wouldnt change your sg until u get your refractometer if its ariving soon, u might find its a little higher anyhow


from what i have read about sw is doing things more natural can be more better than adding a whole bunch of buffers.