How To Raise Your Alk ????


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Please get a real test kit. 1.7 Meq/L means that corals are starting to dissolve and can no longer calcify. 2.8 Meq/L is on the low end of being just fine. Your test kit cannot tell the difference.
it says 2.8 is natural seawater what test kit do you recomend? also corals look pretty healthy

bang guy

Originally Posted by tdog7879
it says 2.8 is natural seawater what test kit do you recomend? also corals look pretty healthy

I use Salifert. It seems to work well. If your corals look good then I wouldn't worry too much.
Seawater is around 2.5Meq/L. Our tanks are usually a bit smaller than an ocean so keeping it higher is advisable.