How to size a T5 light bulb, so that I can replace it.

I am almost to the point of being "ready" to order a light fixture. I am probably going to go with the Maxspect Razor. I have been researching the differences in 10K & 16K. They are both the same price. But for me visually, I prefer the look of the 16K. Is it ok to make a decision just based on that?
Also, I am not sure if I need to get the 20.5 or the 27 inch. My tank is 36" long, 18" high, and 12" wide. I want to use the tank top mounting frame. I am not sure about hanging it from my ceiling. It is 12ft tall and comes to a peak right above the tank. I think that the wire would be overkill.


10k = growth
16k+ = coloration of coral
I've also been reading into this fixture and from what the site says both blue and white channels on each fixture are dimmable does this mean that essentially the 16 K version can be dial down to 10 K? so you can keep it around 10k daily and jus raise both channels to 100% for viewing or showing off?
They will still grow under 16k? Just at a slower pace?
I grow other things, and sometimes a slower pace is better, because it makes for a stronger specimen. Not sure if the same applies to corals though.

bang guy

Originally Posted by shane784 http:///t/393971/how-to-size-a-t5-light-bulb-so-that-i-can-replace-it/20#post_3506890
I've also been reading into this fixture and from what the site says both blue and white channels on each fixture are dimmable does this mean that essentially the 16 K version can be dial down to 10 K? so you can keep it around 10k daily and jus raise both channels to 100% for viewing or showing off?
Not really, it doesn't work quite to that extreme. Dimming a 16,000K light mostly just reduces the amount of light. There is a small amount of frequency shift but nowhere near a shift from 16,000K to 10,000K.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/393971/how-to-size-a-t5-light-bulb-so-that-i-can-replace-it/20#post_3506899
Not really, it doesn't work quite to that extreme. Dimming a 16,000K light mostly just reduces the amount of light. There is a small amount of frequency shift but nowhere near a shift from 16,000K to 10,000K.
Also, sometimes growing at a slower rate does mean that their skeletons have more time to develop thicker and stronger bodies - IE healthier specimens. Good catch fattytwobyfour
I just went ahead and done it... I ordered a Maxspect 27 Inch Razor R420R 16,000K LED Light Fixture for my 33 gallon tank. I was really trying to wait until my taxes came in, but I am afraid that one of my soft corals might not make it if I waited too long. (I currently only have 17watts over my tank, which isn't good, I know). But I am excited, and wanted to share with someone.
That looks nice!!! I can't wait. I ordered this morning, and they have already shipped them out.
I do have a question. I know there isn't a magical formula for this. But I have been running my soft corals (kenya coral tree, green star polyp, button polyp, & green toadstool mushroom) under only 17watts of lights. I have everything but the mushroom at the top of the tank. My plan is to move these all lower in the tank, and save the higher up space for corals that will need more light. I have been trying to research this, and I understand that they need to be acclimated to the new light slow. But is there maybe a general setting that would be good? I know that these corals need a lot more light to really thrive. So is there a ballpark figure of what I should program these lights at the beginning?
Also, I think I'm having pretty good luck with coraline algae under this low light. It's popping up everywhere in my tank right now. (Awesome magenta & lime greens). So this better lighting in theory should really help with the growth?


Once u read the manual you will understand me; but - set your AUTOMATIC program to reach a MAXIMUM of 50% for time points 5 and 6 and place all ur corals on the tank floor run this for atleast 3-4 weeks before increasing MAX to 60% or higher depending on how they are reacting
Thanks Shane. That makes some sense based on reading online in forums about it. I'm assuming 5 & 6 are equivalent to "noon." Most of the corals I have purchased first, I intended on moving towards the bottom. So hopefully this will go smoothly.
Do you run the B channel at 1% as moonlights? I've heard some people say that it was too bright for moonlights.
My light came in at 8pm tonight! I have got it set up, and I am really happy with it! I was only running a 17watt T5 low output bulb, so this is for sure a step up. I am only going to max the light at around 20% and slowly raise it to help my corals adjust.
A few weeks ago, I purchased some zooanthids. I'm ashame to say that they have been slowly dying due to my poor lighting setup. But running the bulbs at 20% for an hour, I already seen some improvement to what they were. The stems on them looked like they were pretty skinny and withering away. They are already fattening back up and looking similar to when I purchased them at the LFS.
I do have some shimmer at the moment. I'll have to work on toning it down some. My coral beauty angelfish doesn't seem to thrilled by the disco effect. He was hiding in his cave, but the shimmering was making its way into the cave, so he found a new dark corner in my tank. Hopefully he will adjust soon.
I'll post photos when stuff in my tank starts adjusting to the light. But I am already happy with the purchase!