How will you vote in 2008? Just curious...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Bama isn't ready for prime time. The Clinton smear machine isn't even warmed up yet and already hit him. Seems like a nice guy which is probably a huge disadvantage in national politics for the most part.

Obama has been in politics as long or longer than Hillary. many seem to forget that all she was was a bigmouthed housewife up until about 7 years ago. she rode her husband's coattails into politics but never actually had any political experience of her own. Obama didn't just ride into town yesterday and decide that he wants to be president.

ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Honestly there is such a thing as a responsible non-voter. Personally I believe that someone who doesn't believe in any candidate owes it to the rest of the country to NOT vote. Just picking someone because they're being told they have to vote or stop complaining is a terrible reason. By all means, complain, complain loudly, and complain that there is no viable candidate who deserves your vote, if you so choose to. Otherwise, where's the FREEDOM to vote?
i feel the same way, and i hate when people vote for someone who is terrible and they know it just because of their party.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
Obama has been in politics as long or longer than Hillary. many seem to forget that all she was was a bigmouthed housewife up until about 7 years ago. she rode her husband's coattails into politics but never actually had any political experience of her own. Obama didn't just ride into town yesterday and decide that he wants to be president.
I believe many actually think she was running part od the country those 8 years her Husband was President however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
Obama has been in politics as long or longer than Hillary. many seem to forget that all she was was a bigmouthed housewife up until about 7 years ago. she rode her husband's coattails into politics but never actually had any political experience of her own. Obama didn't just ride into town yesterday and decide that he wants to be president.
State politics aint jack. This is the big time. He didn't really face a serious candidate when he ran for the Senate, Ryan dropped out and Keys jumped in late. The Hillarbeast was a driving force in all of clintons campaigns and has been involved in politics her own bad self since the mid 60's.
I wouldn't vote for him either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by REEFER545
NON VOTER> Why? That's rhetorical, please dont respond all you political activists who dont make an lick of difference. No offense to anyone, I have no faith in the system, lots of hope, but no faith.
Every vote matters cause one thing the politicians hate is turnout. When you get 25 or 30 percent turnout its all about who's base is more motivated. You end up with one extreme or another chosing the president.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
Guiliani is against owning exotic pets, which could be considered saltwater fish.
I wouldnt say that. Saltwaterfish are very popular now that they are easier to keep. Im pretty sure he is talking about Lions Tigers Aligators Crocodiles and all those cute fellas


Active Member
I don't think I'm going to vote for either. but Obama is a lot more moderate than Hillary. BILL CLINTON was a LOT more moderate than Hillary. I would vote for Obama before Hillary anyday. I don't think the general population of the US will be as gullible as the population of NYC that basically put her in office. if the Dems want to win, they'd be wise to get somebody other than her nominated. that's my opinion, but I'm mostly conservative, so whatever. I don't know Obama's who bio, but he's a politician. I like Alan Keys, but Keys would've never stood a chance in Illinois against Obama. Obama has pretty much taken the Dem party by storm since he was elected and I would think he would give Hillary a serious run, particularly among moderate Dems.


Active Member
I personally know several Democrats who flat out say they wont vote for Hillary period. Unless the Republicans throw up someone like Gingrich who is absolutly despised by the left Hillary probably can't win.


Active Member
lol wonderful choices..hilary or other. as far as exotic pets and guliani i think he was refering to monkeys, apes, gators..etc you know not your average dog/cat/fish/bird


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I personally know several Democrats who flat out say they wont vote for Hillary period. Unless the Republicans throw up someone like Gingrich who is absolutly despised by the left Hillary probably can't win.
Well, regardless of who the democrat candidate is, the republicans running are all "mini-Bushes", so you can bet that this alone will motivate the democratic base enough to vote, even if it is for Hillary....just wait and see, no democrat wants another Bush.


Active Member
I thought McCain had a chance, but his campaign seem to be crumbling. I am not sure who I'll vote for since there is so much time left to hear more about each candidate; however, I like Obama the most so far. He has showed that he has the support and so far he has the most refreshing ideas and has the ability to be a very good president.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Well, regardless of who the democrat candidate is, the republicans running are all "mini-Bushes", so you can bet that this alone will motivate the democratic base enough to vote, even if it is for Hillary....just wait and see, no democrat wants another Bush.
Mini Bushes? I don't think so. Rudy wouldn't be my first choice but against Hillary he is probably a sure bet.