How would you spend $3 billion???


Active Member
I would start my own cancer research center, start my own tv netwrok, give a lot away to the needy, buy the braves some players, get a bigger tank
, uhhh give to friends, buy cars, gamble, start own casino, buy BIG house, have playmate type women to clean

... ok back on track ..., bring Futurama back, build my kind of schools, invest in alternative energy, buy cars, destroy certain countries, ... ok I better stop there.
And a more serious note to respond to the Brason donation, Ted Turner donated a billion dollars to the UN around 8 years ago over a 10 year period. What the hell did that money do? Ohhhhh it allowed Hugo to quote the Waterboy's mama at the UN podium, Bush is the Devil!


if that Brason dude gave me the $3 billion then my above referenced militia would have assured us a nice hollow point between Johnny Venezuela's eyes.


buy myself my own baltimore aquarium!!!!!!!!! and a chain of gasoline stations! can never go poor with that!!!


i'd build hundreds of schools across the world and staff them with the brightest and most educated locals. after only one generation, you'd see an exponential increase in literacy and i would even venture to say standard of living.
i'd use the remaining money to build small healthcare facilities, staff them, and make sure no one who needed care was turned away.
and, to be completely honest, i would probably set aside five hundred thousand or so to invest in a new small business.
then again, investment in renewable and clean energy is a very good use of 3b. to clarify, i'm pretty sure he's not just giving away that amount of money, as it's been mistated on the internet ... if i'm not mistaken, he's investing in clean energy and plans to make a tidy profit from it.
on a side note, it disappoints me that so many people would waste it on cars and mansions (even churches ... does anyone think american churches need more money?) when there are so many people out there without the basics to survive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mryoung7
i'd build hundreds of schools across the world and staff them with the brightest and most educated locals. after only one generation, you'd see an exponential increase in literacy and i would even venture to say standard of living.
i'd use the remaining money to build small healthcare facilities, staff them, and make sure no one who needed care was turned away.
and, to be completely honest, i would probably set aside five hundred thousand or so to invest in a new small business.
then again, investment in renewable and clean energy is a very good use of 3b. to clarify, i'm pretty sure he's not just giving away that amount of money, as it's been mistated on the internet ... if i'm not mistaken, he's investing in clean energy and plans to make a tidy profit from it.
on a side note, it disappoints me that so many people would waste it on cars and mansions (even churches ... does anyone think american churches need more money?) when there are so many people out there without the basics to survive.
Honestly I don't think any of us would really know what to do if we had 3 billion dollars. Hopefully, not to become like the lotto winners who say winning the lotto was the worst thing to happen to them.


no way dude. i clearly spelled out my extremely realistic plans. and i'm not kiddin about that chinese kid either.


Active Member
I’d spend a billion and buy every church, temple, synagogue in the Chicago land area and rip out all the religious icons, statues and etc and put up big statues of Elvis (in the fat drugged out stage) for everyone to worship!
Billion to ensure that every child in America had health care.
With 500 million I’d buy a crappy little island somewhere and populate it with little people so when I went to visit I’d feel huge!
With the remaining money I’d throw the biggest longest lasting party ever!
Who needs that much money anyway? I’m much rather have healthy kids, good friends and 4 weeks of vacation!


Originally Posted by Jmick
With 500 million I’d buy a crappy little island somewhere and populate it with little people so when I went to visit I’d feel huge!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious

oh yeah, i'd buy a nice vacation home in japan and hire a language teacher to teach me japanese, and i'd set aside enough money to be able to fly there whenever i want.
and what's wrong with donating money to my church? The church doesn't take all of the money you donate and keep it to theirselves. They help the needy with it.
actually, i would really try to end world hunger. It's so sad that people starve to death every day because all of these millionaires are greedy with their money... i won't even get started on that. I would keep enough for me and my family to be comfortable, and i would use the rest to help the needy. I could not possibly spend even $10 mil on my self, let alone $3 billion. There are many more people out there that need the money more. and that is what i would seriously do. but i'd still get the house in japan and the one in georgia.


world hunger is primarily due to the starving people's refusal to stop making babies at such a fast pace. that's also one of the main reasons behind the tremendously high AIDS population in africa. the more you feed them, the even more babies they'll have, and you'll multiply the problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
world hunger is primarily due to the starving people's refusal to stop making babies at such a fast pace. that's also one of the main reasons behind the tremendously high AIDS population in africa. the more you feed them, the even more babies they'll have, and you'll multiply the problem.

You’re rather astute.


Originally Posted by soto
world hunger is primarily due to the starving people's refusal to stop making babies at such a fast pace. that's also one of the main reasons behind the tremendously high AIDS population in africa. the more you feed them, the even more babies they'll have, and you'll multiply the problem.
mayyybe, the starving people keep having so many babies because they constantly have --- to keep their minds off of the hunger. Perhaps if we keep them fed, they won't have to hide their hunger with other forms of pleasure, and they'll stop producing so quickly... whatcha got?


Originally Posted by jdragunas
mayyybe, the starving people keep having so many babies because they constantly have --- to keep their minds off of the hunger. Perhaps if we keep them fed, they won't have to hide their hunger with other forms of pleasure, and they'll stop producing so quickly... whatcha got?
they do it because:
1. the men who have AIDS don't really care since they're already screwed. morality is extremely low at that poverty level so the well-being of your fellow neighbors is next to nill
2. a vast majority of 3rd world countries have this way of thinking that the more babies they have, the better chances of one of the kids striking it rich and helping out the whole family. this happens about .5% of the time. the other 99.5% become extra unsupported mouths to feed. they do it for support and screw themselves.


Originally Posted by soto
1. the men who have AIDS don't really care since they're already screwed. morality is extremely low at that poverty level so the well-being of your fellow neighbors is next to nill
your other points are right on but this one is horrendously wrong. africans have one of the most communal and selfless cultures on earth. in fact, if a neighbor has any "disposable income" (more like any money left after necessities), it is unheard of not to give it away to anyone who asks.


Originally Posted by mryoung7
your other points are right on but this one is horrendously wrong. africans have one of the most communal and selfless cultures on earth. in fact, if a neighbor has any "disposable income" (more like any money left after necessities), it is unheard of not to give it away to anyone who asks.
not from what i saw on the HBO special about a month ago. but what i saw was in regards to spreading AIDS, not income. most people in the AIDS stricken areas in Africa don't have disposable income. hell, most people in AFRICA don't have disposable income. the continent's been deprived of it's natural resources and what little remains goes into the tyrannical leaderships of most of the countries. so IF somebody has disposable income, not only do they represent a small minority, but -chances are- they're also not an inhabitant of a poverty-stricken AIDS infested village.
what was seen on that documentary was exactly what i put in the post. there were dozens of interviews from villagers, military, and political activists. so if you've got a better source then touche.


disposable income was the wrong term to use. what i meant to say is that if anyone has more than is absolutely necessary for their immediate short-term survival, it is unheard of for them to keep it for themselves. i was trying to put it into western terms.

my source is a couple of people (unrelated) who have lived there for a number of years. true, it could just be the places they lived but one especially seemed to have traveled all over the northern part of the continent (where the problem is centered).
it just struck me as very ethnocentric for you to say that they have a low sense of morality. but if that doc that you saw really described it in that way, i guess you'd have no reason to believe otherwise.


yeah, again, it's just what i saw. we also had this discussion in a philosophy class i took several years back and the instructor had said the same thing about the lifestyle and he had been there several times as well.
and it's not just Africa in particular. anywhere that's in an economic shamble is going to generally have a low sense of morality. hell, most Germans were actually willing to buy into Hitler's crap and that was primarily due to their low morality- which was due to their economic collapse after the turnout of WW1. and, no, i'm not trying to show Africans as Nazis. BUT i am trying to point out that people will do some pretty messed up things to eachother when they don't have much to lose.


Just for shits-n-giggles i'm replying.
First off, I'd never see $3 billion, let alone $300,000 or even $300 given to me. Secondly, I wouldn't spend it. It'd go straight into a bank and i'd live a decent, simple life on a portion of the interest. I'd use the rest of it to wage an endless war against the super-rich (those making more than a billion dollars) in an attempt to strip them of their wealth and pompous uselessness. Hell I might even buy an island and start my country where stupid people didn't exist and politicians were hunted.