ok so yesterday tobins brother called he is a severe asthmatic-really bad and he was doing reaallly bad yesterday so he calls from the er last night and at about 3 this morning they admitted him into the icu (in midland )with respiratory failure so this morning i went to enroll my oldest daughter in school which was a madhouse ,then i took tobin to his doc appt ,then to his chemo which he takes at the hospital bob was admitted into so i spent the entire day going from tobin in oncology on the fourth floor to bob in icu on the first floor on the other side of the hospital , then at about 7 pm i get a call saying they will be at my house for the appraisal at 7;45 so i hauled but back to odessa and good news the house is going to appraise for almost 10k more than the last appraisal because of all the work tobin and i have put in it
then go back to midland right in time for tobins release ,he is doing good by the way just drained from the chemicals ,tomorrow i will be removing the mold infested drywall (mmmmm mollllld) at bobs house after i admit tobin in the morning when im done with that i get to go run through the hospital the rest of the afternoon wish me luck goodnight all sleep well i know i will