How your protien skimmer can effect social life


Active Member
Here's an interesting thing that I have just learned from word of mouth through my nieghborhood.
My nieghbor to the right side of me had a nice new pool/whole backyard remodel done about 2 months ago, and about 1 week ago I come to find out they have invited everyone around me but alas no invite for me. I was a tad offended but hey it's their party so whatever right?
Well today my wife is doing her morning walk with the nieghbor lady on the left side of me and decided to ask what the deal was. It turns out the nieghbor who is throwing the shindig didn't want us around since we were "marijana smoking losers", to which my wife asked why they would think such a thing.
These ignorant people have been watching me clean my damn skimmer in the front lawn and instead of asking me about it just decided it must be a water pipe aka bong that I was messing around with.
Now I'm halfway pissed off and embarrased at the same time. How many of my nieghbors will I have to explain this to one by one until my character is restored??!! Oh well, I figured in the midst of my dismay at least the forum here might have a good laugh.
So a warning to all who clean they skimmer in the front grass......... USE THE BACK YARD!!


that is a great story. hopefully you can restore your name. best of luck. if they dont beleive you ask them if they want to smell it. then they will beleive you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bri23520
that is a great story. hopefully you can restore your name. best of luck. if they dont beleive you ask them if they want to smell it. then they will beleive you.

LOL, so far my wife just took the one nieghbor into the house and showed her the skimmer. Still kind of unsure how to get the word out in mass to the rest of the rumor mill.


Active Member
Hmmm.... Sounds like a good reason for the old "skimmate in the neighbors pool" routine.



Active Member
you could always throw the waste from the collection cup into their pool, but thats just me im kind of evil sometimes :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
I don't think I'd go the party even if they invited me at this point, but we have asked the nieghbors on the left side of us (one my wife walks with) to spread the word in the party.
The more I think about it the more upset it makes me.. first of all if I was cleaning a water pipe in my front yard.. how stupid do they think I am!!?? Cleaning an illegal drug device in my front yard??
:mad: :mad: :mad: Give me a break!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
Hmmm.... Sounds like a good reason for the old "skimmate in the neighbors pool" routine.

hehe, skimmate water balloons would be fun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
The more I think about it the more upset it makes me.. first of all if I was cleaning a water pipe in my front yard.. how stupid do they think I am!!?? Cleaning an illegal drug device in my front yard??
:mad: :mad: :mad: Give me a break!!!
Well, nobody ever accused pot smokers of being smart!!!!
I've heard of them doing stupider things!!!
How small of a skimmer do you have to be confused with a water pipe???? Either that or it is one BIG pipe!!

sinner's girl

Where else do your clean illegal devices?
And why doesn't the banana dance on this board?
<-see not dancing, he was dancing last night, I saw him!
I love it, the things people will assume.
(he's dancing now...must have been asleep before)
(btw, that does look like bong... They were just mad that you didn't share!)


Active Member
Its one big pipe, the Pro clear aquatics one. My tank is only a 50gallon corner, it does a wonderful job once you get it set right.
EDIT: i'll look for a pic of it. Pro Clear Aquatics 75.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
And why doesn't the banana dance on this board?
<-see not dancing, he was dancing last night, I saw him!
Your banana is dancing, he's laughing at me. BAN THE BANANA!!


Originally Posted by TheGrog
How small of a skimmer do you have to be confused with a water pipe???? Either that or it is one BIG pipe!!
I've seen plenty that were a foot tall or even bigger... even one that was over 3 feet tall.

sinner's girl

I don't see him dancing not under the smiles, not on the post....everyone else is moving. Why doesn't the banana like me?
I'm going to sleep now.
Yeah, they make them pretty big, saw one in a movie once, they were standing up, of course I had to ask what it was....
Mr. Bill, I'd roll a cig, or get the fake stuff, set some chairs out in your front lawn and smoke while they have the party. Oow, burn insencent too (we have to hide ours whenever my mother-in-law comes over rollseyes, she once asked sinner if he was smoking when she saw some. Rolls eyes)


Active Member
Dude take the whole thing out front and clean it and they will think it is an opium pipe. Really though if your neighbors are that close minded you do not want to talk to them. Sure you have to be neighbors and all but that is all that you need.


Active Member
They probably got suspicious when they saw you taking all of those fancy lighting fixtures in the house that you use to grow your indoor crop too


Active Member
I wouldn't want to hang around somebody that would judge a person so harshly just because they may or may not smoke pot. There are way worse things in the world.
ps- I don't smoke pot


Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
hehe, skimmate water balloons would be fun.
I think we all should bring water skimmer ballons and have a party at your house!!!!!
:cheer: :jumping:
Thanks I needed a good laugh today!


Just wait till they see your really bright lights on then they will think your growing :hilarious