How your protien skimmer can effect social life



You may not realize that the rumor could have actually been a blessing in disguise. IMO there is nothing more annoying than a neighbor who constantly wants to bother you with small talk every time you walk into or out of your home.
If you do have your party, just realize that you will lose at least 10-20 minutes a day for the next month b-s-ing with those neighbors when you have things to do. Have fun at the party.


Originally Posted by nemo lover
You know what I would do just to be a P.I.T.A. I would take pics of your tank with the stand open so yo can see the skimmer, get them enlarged, and made into signs.
Put them in your yard the day of the party facing their drive way so all the neighbors can see it, and wright on them "this is not a bong its a skimmer", and on the other
"I was not invited cause they think im a pot smoker" and on the next one
"whos the dumb ass now?"
I would be insulted, and want the neighbors to feel like an ass, so I would try to imbarrass them at their own party, and the neighbor will find out the truth at the same time.
you could get one of those microphones coaches use that make those load obscene noises.
Stand in you back yard, and play with it all night. Hey if they call the cops you could tell them its your alarm for your fish tank, and it wass alerting you of a major problem. hehe pour some of your green scud from your protien skimmer in thier pool the night before their party

omg I love this smilie it looks like my kid sometimes

Ok this is with out a doubt the BEST idea I have seen!!!!!!!!!! You really should post pictures on you lawn. It would drive the point home and the party goers would prob see the signs before the neighbors. Boy will they look like asses when they bring up to someone that you are a pot head.
I would also like to say that as with anything it can be used wrong and over done. My best friend smokes and he is a very smart, productive, clear headed person. He does it like when others would have a beer. And he never is hung over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
realy? you do?! psh.... id clean my skimmer in THIER front lawn....

Well, i could flip the goo their way a bit. Would a skimmate stain be permanent?


Active Member
gee i dont know... one way to find out right? i wonder if it would stain cotton shirts too

well... like any good scientist, we must experiment with variables. Try it numorous days when they are wearing numorous cotton shirts! even a cotton bathrobe when they go to get the paper in the morning.
what will it stain on besides cotton?
be a scientist... experiiment


Originally Posted by joker_ca
you could always throw the waste from the collection cup into their pool, but thats just me im kind of evil sometimes :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious

hahahahahahahahahaha your fuunnyyyy men..hahahahahaha


this thread has got to be the most entertaining thread ever.
You should invite there kids over to join in on your "hobby" , then see how uptight they get . Just tell the parents your showing them some of your rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanist
this thread has got to be the most entertaining thread ever.
You should invite there kids over to join in on your "hobby" , then see how uptight they get . Just tell the parents your showing them some of your rock.

Haha, that reminds me of that one movie, what was it called..... the one where the Dad thought his son was involved in some funny business with his nieghbor and then blew his brains out at the end. Ack hope I don't end up like that, I'll stick to flinging fish poo please. :happy:


hahaha i remember that movie to , cant remember what its called though, i still like your skimmer balloon idea , or send them some freshly baked skimmer brownies , yuuuuuuuuuuuck