How your protien skimmer can effect social life



Get as many old skimmers as you can and put them in your front yard as lawn ornaments...even better, add some plastic plants that look like pot in amongst them with a big peace sign...
If I had neighbors like that I'd have a field day with tough is it to casually ask you what you're doing...what morons...


Originally Posted by GAfish
Just wait till they see your really bright lights on then they will think your growing :hilarious

Got to love those Super Actinic lights :happy: :thinking:


I think we should ALL take our skimmers over to your house and have our OWN party!! Yep, that's right! We'll all sit in your front yard cleaning our skimmers and laugh at the neighbors.
But seriously... The owner of one of our LFS's here has long hair and he got pulled and detained for a skimmer like that!! The cops didn't know what a protein skimmer was so they held him until they could verify.
I just hope your neighbors feel real stupid for jumping to such extreme conclusions.


I think the really important question here is which of your neighbors knows enough about bongs to see the resemblance?


Active Member
get a little japanese maple... the leaves are shapped just like it
" first of all if I was cleaning a water pipe in my front yard.. how stupid do they think I am!!?? Cleaning an illegal drug device in my front yard??"
ummm.... im not sure if you are aware of the mind capasity of your steryotipical stoner... but they arent considered the brightest bunch.... Smoking pot leads to....umm.... uhh... i forget.... (JK). I went to the last Dispatch (a band) concert at the hatch shell in boston last year (im actualy wearing the t-shirt now) and that was all you say. There were literaly 100,00 people there and if you look into the crowd there were puffs of smoke coming up all over the place. And there were coppies allover the place too.... Now, whenever i smell pot, (im a strait edge punk kid, a rare breed, so i dont smell it on myself) but outside or when i am skiing a lot. its all ove rthe chairlift. But anyways, whenever i smell it it reminds me of the concert...
realy-life quote from a random kid at the dispatch concert:
"why the hell did i buy weed at 8:30 in the morning!!"
but i must say, those skimmate ballons realy brought a chuckle to my face


Originally Posted by Bigdogzack
Get as many old skimmers as you can and put them in your front yard as lawn ornaments...even better, add some plastic plants that look like pot in amongst them with a big peace sign...
If I had neighbors like that I'd have a field day with tough is it to casually ask you what you're doing...what morons...
Better yet, put all the skimmers and plants in their yard. Then we'll see who's embarrased. :hilarious


Active Member
just have your own party invite all the neighbors except the ones who didnt invite you and show off your tank. will get the word out all at once. Besides unless your rich could you really afford to do drugs and have a salt water tank.
just because i love the banana he should be on all posts

sinner's girl

Syrings, white powers, powerful lights, bong looking things...lots of money spent...are we sure we're in the right hobby?
-I too like the banana, is he new?


quick to judge and yes, you don't need to know people like that, but as the world of gossip can damage people, the ones who believe gossip and judge are worthless. See who (which neighbors) are suckers into the dam gossip world and let them all gather together!!
with the remaining neighbors that still interact with you (nonjudgmentally) yes, have your own get together (promote neighborhood closeness) because you don't want to be isolated. In time, the word will spread that you have an awesome fishtank and that you feed your fishes marijuana!!! (and it isn't you who smoke it). In time, the neighbor will eventually find out how stupid they were to even think such a thing.
Good Luck!
P.s. I saw the banana dancing !!

nemo lover

You know what I would do just to be a P.I.T.A. I would take pics of your tank with the stand open so yo can see the skimmer, get them enlarged, and made into signs.
Put them in your yard the day of the party facing their drive way so all the neighbors can see it, and wright on them "this is not a bong its a skimmer", and on the other
"I was not invited cause they think im a pot smoker" and on the next one
"whos the dumb ass now?"
I would be insulted, and want the neighbors to feel like an ass, so I would try to imbarrass them at their own party, and the neighbor will find out the truth at the same time.
you could get one of those microphones coaches use that make those load obscene noises.
Stand in you back yard, and play with it all night. Hey if they call the cops you could tell them its your alarm for your fish tank, and it wass alerting you of a major problem. hehe pour some of your green scud from your protien skimmer in thier pool the night before their party

omg I love this smilie it looks like my kid sometimes


I wonder what my neibors think about me hauling 5gal gas cans in and out of my house once a week?


Active Member
Well I've been invited to the party. I don't think I will be going, and his excuse was that I'm never home so he didn't get a chance to invite me. :thinking:
I did manage to setup my own party that will be taking place this Saturday... skimmate balloons?........... hmmm.