HR 669 **alert**


Active Member
Originally Posted by slider101
THis is just another stupid thing this current administration is proposing. This administration has only been in office for 4 months and already are ruining the country. We are so headed to a socialist government it isnt funny. The government and politicians do not care about anyone but themselves! They have there own agendas and it does not concern the littler people like me. I am so tired of thumbsucking liberals and PETA and other animal protesters worring about what we and other pet owners do! Yes there are bad pet owners and they should not have animals but you should not lump everyone into the same basket and punish us all. Get a life PETA and the government you are all idiots! We all take very good care of our animals and fish. Stay out of my pockets and my home!!!
Originally Posted by slider101

I did my part, sent my letter to my congressman.
Me too! Notice why they had all of the information at the bottom of the page you had to fill out before you could contiune?


you know, if they are going to ban animals for being an invasive species, then why not ban invasive plants in landscaping (kudzu, japanese honeysuckle, the list can go on). heck, why stop there? prohibit anything non-native...?


I am posting this here too:
I received this today from my congressman:
Dear Mrs. Beller:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act. It is always pleasure to hear from fellow Oklahomans.
The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act would require the Secretary of the ******** to establish a process for assessing the risk of all nonnative wildlife species proposed for importation into the United States. This legislation was introduced in response to the many exotic animals that are brought into the United States each year. Some say the introduction of these animals into the United States has a negative impact on the environment, economy, and human health. I believe it is important to maintain and protect our environment while at the same time protecting those who make a fair living from the import of exotic animals. For this reason and as a member of the House Committee on Resources, you can rest assured I will closely monitor this legislation.
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your views on this legislation. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Respectfully Yours,
Dan Boren
Member of Congress


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I am posting this here too:
I received this today from my congressman:
Dear Mrs. Beller:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act. It is always pleasure to hear from fellow Oklahomans.
The Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act would require the Secretary of the ******** to establish a process for assessing the risk of all nonnative wildlife species proposed for importation into the United States. This legislation was introduced in response to the many exotic animals that are brought into the United States each year. Some say the introduction of these animals into the United States has a negative impact on the environment, economy, and human health. I believe it is important to maintain and protect our environment while at the same time protecting those who make a fair living from the import of exotic animals. For this reason and as a member of the House Committee on Resources, you can rest assured I will closely monitor this legislation.
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your views on this legislation. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Respectfully Yours,
Dan Boren
Member of Congress
OK, so where does he stand. This raises his carbon footprint, but says nothing.
Outlaw BS, more impact on the environment and my wallet than a lionfish.


Active Member
I don't think I can post a link here, because it may be a violation of the TOS.
However, it sounds as though the Thursday hearing was a resounding success on the part of the pet industry.
From what I was able to glean from the article I read, the bill is effectively dead.


Active Member
I've received two responses from my senators... the first one, from Dodd, you could tell was a canned response, saying that no one has fought harder for the environment than him... sorta had nothing to do with hr669
Lieberman, though, had a really good response, but makes me believe he is for hr669... i think i'm going to actually write him back since his response actually had SOME information to it.