huma huma trigger


hi all i was thinking about getting a huma trigger done some research but everything seems conflicting so i thought i would get peoples opioin here wondering how big they get feeding min tank size thanks in advance for your help
Originally Posted by harley1965
hi all i was thinking about getting a huma trigger done some research but everything seems conflicting so i thought i would get peoples opioin here wondering how big they get feeding min tank size thanks in advance for your help
Hello i just purchased a humu humu also about a week ago he is no where near as aggressive as people say but all fish have different personalities! Min tank size is 75 gallon i have mine in 135 gallon though he loves lots or rock work and lots of room to swim around in though!
I have read that they get up to 10 inches in a home aquarium though i've never seen one that big but mine is 5 inches so we'll see!


Active Member
They will become very agresive as they mature . Not as bad as a Undulated ,Clown ,Queen or Titan triggers. But they do get aggresive . The thing with aggresive triggers is they will be good and then one day they will just go postal and kill their tank mates . You should be ok in a 75 gallon but a 125 would be better .
Feed your trigger lots of meaty foods . They like shrimp and squid but in my experiance not a lot will go for scalops .


New Member
I absolutely love my Humu Humu. He always amazes me. He knows about when its bedtime. I turn his light off about 11pm each night and about a half hour before that he starts yawning. He immediately goes into his log when I turn his light off. In the morning, I turn his light on and he slowly comes out of his log and yawns and takes his good old time coming to the top to see me. He lets me pet him before I feed him and most days he seems to enjoy it. He will swim side ways on the top of the water fluttering his fins at me and will then playfully spit water at me. There are days here and there where he doesnt seem to want bothered, but I of course check his tank and usually his nitrates/nitrites need adjusted. He HATES my husband for some reason. Every time he comes near the humu humu sticks up his triggers and if he would dare stick his finger in the tank, he would be bitten. His name is puppy. His tank is near the couch and he watches us and comes as close as possible. He also gives me puppy eyes when he is lying in his log and I look at him. He and my dog try to bite each other, I think my dog is jealous that I play with puppy so much. I feed him shrimp out of my fingers, he never bites me. (the hand that feeds him) Except that one time! ha! ha! I guess he kinda sucked my finger and startled me and I accidentally flung him to the floor where he lie grunting. I put him back in the tank, he hid in his log then about 30 seconds later, he was fine! Thank goodness!!! I feed him a variety of foods, including live feeders. (which he LOVES) The only thing he wont eat is blood worms. He has an amazing amount of personality! I love him!!!


Originally Posted by harley1965
hi all i was thinking about getting a huma trigger done some research but everything seems conflicting so i thought i would get peoples opioin here wondering how big they get feeding min tank size thanks in advance for your help
feed him live minnowz or gold fish have 2 they love it
Originally Posted by minnienjoe
I absolutely love my Humu Humu. He always amazes me. He knows about when its bedtime. I turn his light off about 11pm each night and about a half hour before that he starts yawning. He immediately goes into his log when I turn his light off. In the morning, I turn his light on and he slowly comes out of his log and yawns and takes his good old time coming to the top to see me. He lets me pet him before I feed him and most days he seems to enjoy it. He will swim side ways on the top of the water fluttering his fins at me and will then playfully spit water at me. There are days here and there where he doesnt seem to want bothered, but I of course check his tank and usually his nitrates/nitrites need adjusted. He HATES my husband for some reason. Every time he comes near the humu humu sticks up his triggers and if he would dare stick his finger in the tank, he would be bitten. His name is puppy. His tank is near the couch and he watches us and comes as close as possible. He also gives me puppy eyes when he is lying in his log and I look at him. He and my dog try to bite each other, I think my dog is jealous that I play with puppy so much. I feed him shrimp out of my fingers, he never bites me. (the hand that feeds him) Except that one time! ha! ha! I guess he kinda sucked my finger and startled me and I accidentally flung him to the floor where he lie grunting. I put him back in the tank, he hid in his log then about 30 seconds later, he was fine! Thank goodness!!! I feed him a variety of foods, including live feeders. (which he LOVES) The only thing he wont eat is blood worms. He has an amazing amount of personality! I love him!!!


it would appear that feeding live fish is well accepted by many ppl and some reputable sites for fish.yet i was recently destroyed for wanting to feed live feeder fish for some of my fish..funny how some people dont comment on the feeder fish being a no no yet when i mention it i get harrassed and bashed..i just find this comical.


Originally Posted by SH2000
it would appear that feeding live fish is well accepted by many ppl and some reputable sites for fish.yet i was recently destroyed for wanting to feed live feeder fish for some of my fish..funny how some people dont comment on the feeder fish being a no no yet when i mention it i get harrassed and bashed..i just find this comical.
Your attitude to posters responses is why you are getting "harassed". I quit opening your post due to your overall rudeness to the suggestions of others, just happened to stumble upon it in this thread.
Feeder fish are discouraged because it can lead to future aggression and freshwater feeders such as goldfish will lead to organ failure


did any one mention that two the OP or the people who postd multiple threads about feeding live feeder fish.. no..good don't open my threads your advice is not needed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LSU
Your attitude to posters responses is why you are getting "harassed". I quit opening your post due to your overall rudeness to the suggestions of others, just happened to stumble upon it in this thread.
Feeder fish are discouraged because it can lead to future aggression and freshwater feeders such as goldfish will lead to organ failure


your all a bunch of ignore when other ppl post live feeder fish when i mention it i get bashed i think thatsa joke ..go to any LFS they all sell multiple freshwater feeder fish every chain in the world sells them but hey who are they you all know more than them..i will enjoy feeding all my triggers fedder is my opinion and i have the right to have an opinion i endorese feeder fish feeding as well as many reputable well as every major LFS and chain stores in this country..excuse me for going with the majority rather than the minority of the few activists on this forum.. I am entitles to my opiniomn and encourage others to use feeder fish..freshwater feeder fish if they were so bad they would nopt reccommend to feed feeder fish on many reputable sites..and they sould not sell them in every LFS in this country..thats my opinion im entitled to it. if you do not like it thats just too bad


Active Member
Originally Posted by SH2000
did any one mention that two the OP or the people who postd multiple threads about feeding live feeder fish.. no..good don't open my threads your advice is not needed.
Troll...I thought that your fish had all parished? How can you have live feeders when all your fish are dying?
We have not commented back on Slackjaw because he is not fighting every single person on this site. You on the otherhand seem to want to dish out to everyone.
I guess that Bob Fenner is the only one you will listen to. Even then, god help him if he gets stuck between you and one of your soap box "cry for my Argentina" posts.


Originally Posted by LSU
Your attitude to posters responses is why you are getting "harassed". I quit opening your post due to your overall rudeness to the suggestions of others, just happened to stumble upon it in this thread.
Feeder fish are discouraged because it can lead to future aggression and freshwater feeders such as goldfish will lead to organ failure
well dont you want aggression in aggressive fish!!


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Troll...I thought that your fish had all parished? How can you have live feeders when all your fish are dying?
We have not commented back on Slackjaw because he is not fighting every single person on this site. You on the otherhand seem to want to dish out to everyone.
I guess that Bob Fenner is the only one you will listen to. Even then, god help him if he gets stuck between you and one of your soap box "cry for my Argentina" posts.

you are a troll


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
well dont you want aggression in aggressive fish!!

Slack - your intention with your fish is not the same as others. I have killers in my tank, but I dont want them to kill each other. I dont like it when my fish have missing fins or other parts. I choose to feed them their requried diet and enjoy watching them as a community.
As I have said to you in many PM's you are setting yourself up for a huge war. I know that is what you want. I applaud you for doing what you want and not shoving your thoughts down other people's throats like SH2000.
I will advise that as you add more fish into your tank it is like adding another bullet to the chamber. Eventually all will be full and destruction is inevitable.


Active Member
As for you SH2000. Continue to blog till your heart is content. Fight with whomever you want on this board. What you are doing is isolating yourself from a wealth of knowledge that will eventually help you. There are so many people on this site including the MODS that you have cried out to that cant stand to see you posting because you are so far left and right it is crazy.
You are like the little kid in class that had ADHD. I think that we all need to chip in as a SWF community and buy a foam helmet so that you can go in a corner and bang your head as long as you like and we will be no worse for the wear.
I find it commical to ready your posts. It is like listening to a 5 year old try to explain how the world works. Their comprehension of life is limited only to their underdeveloped brain. However, the difference between a 5yr old and you, SH2000, is that they will continue to grow and learn from those around them. They are like sponges (that dont get eaten by triggers) and soak up knowledge. You are like a tiny brick wall. You have been around for 23 years just sitting there in the same place. Excited when the sun comes up and then sets. There is no beginning or end. Just now. You dont listen, you tell. Your thought patterns are as random as your bricks in the wall. You dont grow, in fact, you erode over time.
For that, SH2000, I applaud you for being the best brick wall ever. May your troll bridge stand tall against all those experience hobbiests around you. May you spend all your money at your LFS and other big chain stores while we survive and learn from each other.
Enjoy your foam helmet.


Originally Posted by SH2000
your all a bunch of ignore when other ppl post live feeder fish when i mention it i get bashed i think thatsa joke ..go to any LFS they all sell multiple freshwater feeder fish every chain in the world sells them but hey who are they you all know more than them..i will enjoy feeding all my triggers fedder is my opinion and i have the right to have an opinion i endorese feeder fish feeding as well as many reputable well as every major LFS and chain stores in this country..excuse me for going with the majority rather than the minority of the few activists on this forum.. I am entitles to my opiniomn and encourage others to use feeder fish..freshwater feeder fish if they were so bad they would nopt reccommend to feed feeder fish on many reputable sites..and they sould not sell them in every LFS in this country..thats my opinion im entitled to it. if you do not like it thats just too bad

I have never to my knowledge responded to you at all nor am i familar with your post. The lfs wants to sell fish. feeders or otherwise. They should or do sell them for freshwater fish to eat. Most will not tell you not to feed them to saltwater fish and the faster your saltwaterfish die from eatting freshwater fish the soon you'll be buying new saltwater fishes. Having said that this is not only directed to you. You should realise myself and the people here are only wanting to help. We have nothing to gain by this. Buy frozen silversides or sandeels to feed. If you must feed freshwater live do it as a treat only like twice a month not as a staple.