I have had my tank set up for about 4 months. After about a week or so I added 3 damsels to cycle the tank. I set up with Live rock and sand, so my tank was good to go about 6 weeks later. My first two fish were a 3 inch Huma Trigger and a small Sailfin tang. They were great. About a month later I want to my local fish store and ask for advice. They gave me a Scooter, a Dogface puffer and Clown. My trigger did not take well to his new tank mates. He harresed the puffer into puffing about 5 times in 3 days, to teh point were the puffer died. He then made short work of the blenny and left nothing but a carcus. For about the last two weeks he has focused on taking chunks of the sailfing. He to my knowledge has left the clown alone. I learned a lesson about taking advice from this store, the puffer should have never been in there in the first place. But now I am scared that he will kill my sailfin, along iwth any other new tank mates? Anyone have experience with this or could offer some advice?