Huma Trigger is wrecking shop


I have had my tank set up for about 4 months. After about a week or so I added 3 damsels to cycle the tank. I set up with Live rock and sand, so my tank was good to go about 6 weeks later. My first two fish were a 3 inch Huma Trigger and a small Sailfin tang. They were great. About a month later I want to my local fish store and ask for advice. They gave me a Scooter, a Dogface puffer and Clown. My trigger did not take well to his new tank mates. He harresed the puffer into puffing about 5 times in 3 days, to teh point were the puffer died. He then made short work of the blenny and left nothing but a carcus. For about the last two weeks he has focused on taking chunks of the sailfing. He to my knowledge has left the clown alone. I learned a lesson about taking advice from this store, the puffer should have never been in there in the first place. But now I am scared that he will kill my sailfin, along iwth any other new tank mates? Anyone have experience with this or could offer some advice?


My only question would be, why are you leaving him in there? Some fish are just unsuitable with other tankmates. Humas are normally not too bad, but if you've got a devil then get rid of him and aim for a more docile trigger.


I just noticed that in his profile.
AngryCrab: If he is in a 29 then of course he's killing everything. He should be in a tank 2 times that big.


Im sorry, I am new to the boards and before this was going off the advice of the local saltwater fish store. They sold me everything, and I now realize that my tank is smaller then what is recommended. Its just I kinda grew attached to the guy now, and he is other then being mean to his tank mates, in great shape. He plays with the crush coral all the time and has no problems eating and loves playing in the current. I am already making plans for a 110 gallon tank, but that wont come around to early next year...


Ouch, by next year he could easily gain another 3-4 inches. If you won't get rid of him you should definitely refrain from adding new tankmates.


i have a picaso or humu trigger in a 55 gal.he doesnt bother any of the fish in the aquarium that was there before him, but everything i have added since he has killed. the puffer would have been fine if u had added him first. but they are right. a 29 gal is way to small. and also remember the smaller the tank the more aggresion.


Well as a follow up with in 48 hours of posting this I had a complete tank meltdown. My sailfin was laying around and just died. A few hours later the clown began moving really really slow. A few hours later he was dead. My last damsel from my cycle then died all of the same symptoms. Now it looks like my mean old trigger is going to suffer the same fate. Now I know you all said that my tank was too small, but I had this setup for 3 months and they all die with in 48 hours. What could have caused this?


Too many fish added at the same time can cause a bio load meltdown. You had too much in a 29 and it sounds like it just caught up with you. Sorry for your loss. Have you tested your levels yet?


Thanks boal, I did just did a water test tonight and everything is perfect, my ph was down to an 8.1 from a 8.2 my last 3 tests but other then that no changes. Plus I added these fish a few weeks ago and all are just now dying. I am at loss on what to do next. I posted a long form of all the happen in the general threads here.


I normally wait about 1 month between adding fish to my tank. If your tank hasn't really become mature yet (6months after cycle) you definitely want to wait at least that long. What do you plan to do from here?


Originally Posted by AngryCrab
Thanks boal, I did just did a water test tonight and everything is perfect, my ph was down to an 8.1 from a 8.2 my last 3 tests but other then that no changes. Plus I added these fish a few weeks ago and all are just now dying. I am at loss on what to do next. I posted a long form of all the happen in the general threads here.
There is no way your water is perfect with all of those fish in there. That tank is just too small. Humu's get big (10"), and saifins get REALLY big (16" head to tail and at least that tall too!). That tank is not okay for them even in the short term. Check your nitrate/nitrite/amonia levels, I can almost promise you have high nitrates. If your nitrates are coming up zero, then the test is bad.
A 29 gallon tank would be a good long term house for some damsels, chromis, or one of the smaller clown fish. Once you get the hang of things you could try some crabs or shrimp. As everyone will point out, not fish stores provide the best advice, but hunt around and you may find one that actually knows what they're doing. Online advice isnt always the best either, so just be sure to check multiple sources in the future.