Hurricane and natural disaster Checklist!!!


Active Member
Probably #1 on my list would be a generator!!!!!!! :cheer: So what the house doesn't have electricity, but you tank will, that way you can run the necesities to keep it going, and #2 would be extra water on hand for that emergency water change if needed.


I do have a generator. I wonder how long I should keep it on and how long I can leave it off. The way I see it, when you buy something online they ship it over night so thats about 12 hrs with out water movement or filtration. What do you think? :notsure: I mean It would suck if I was hit by a hurricane and was out of power for a couple of days. I would kill the generator if I ran it 24/7 for that amount of time. I think my neighbors would kill me if ran it that long too. :D


Active Member
Keep a good supply of fuel on hand....If I lived in a region prone to weather such as yours I'd seriously look into the whole house generating systems.....They are a pretty penny, but once they sense power is lost they fire right on up if wired correctly......IMO a worth while investment......


Active Member
When it comes to the tank, neighbors, work, kids, wife have to wait!!!!!! You know what I mean....No just kidding!!!!!!


Active Member
Keep in mind, in order to buy stuff off of the internet, you need power and internet connections. If its a bad storm, you might lose your internet connection - a generator can't fix a broken phone line or a isp that is down. If you get frequent shorter power outages, you might just want to look into a battery backup such as an APC that is used for computers. Just an idea.
Ohh, and in the case your worried about your neighbors... well, instead of looking into supplies for your tank, I'd be looking into a couple pairs of noise cancelling headphones
. Thats assuming you can prune your money tree next to your tank.


can someone list websites of where to find these battery powered airstones and heaters and filters? I live in nc so I am terrified what is going to happen this summer


When Rita knocked out our power last year, everyone in the neighborhood was running generators. One generator cancelled out the noise from the others.
The first day and a half, we had no generator and had to use inverters and car batteries... THAT SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!

If you can order a generator ahead of time, and stash it in the garage, you will save yourself a huge pain in the rear. Gasoline also ran out where I live. I had to drive 50 miles to fill up the jeep, and five 5gallon gas cans. The lines were terrible. Gas ahead of time wouldn't be a bad idea either.
We made it through with only losing a couple of bristle starfish. The tanks got too hot. The inside of the house was 100 degrees for five days. Now I have 2 liter bottles frozen in the deep freeze, just in case.
I hope we don't get one again this year.
Best of luck...


Active Member
GMA this mornining stated this hurricane season is going to be worse than last year.... water temp is up 12 above the norm


New Member
I love my tank but lost it all to Katrina last year- if I learned anything the best Hurricane supply is a fast getaway car- I drove thru Lakeview and New Orleans East yesterday and a nuclear bomb couldn't have done more damage. Unfortunately I live in an all electric home- if you have natural gas (and the money for such a project) you can get an emergency generator that will come on when your power is interupted- it is rare to have an problem with natural gas flow even when everything else is out-


New Member
I myself have found that a Rule brand bilge pump works great they come
in many diffrent sizes and last a long time.


New Member
I notice that nobody has thought of solar power. If you get a couple of solar panels (large ones from a camping supply outlet) and connect them to a few car batteries, and then use 100to 200 watt power inverters and connect them to a ph or 2 you could keep your tank going for days. You could have this sytstem set up for short term emergencies. The 2 litre bottle idea is a great one also, but you have to be there to monitor temps. The solar could run a couple of fans or a small chiller as well, just have to size the system to your needs. It would probably be a good idea to have this and a generator, the solar would keep up for when the genset runs out of petrol.


Active Member
now your talking $$$$.
if your seriously worried about it,
spend the $9k and get a whole house generator- it runs off of natural gas, so you should have a constant supply.