hurricane katrina


Active Member
i just looked at it and its a cat.5!! So if you live where its coming to you, be safe(that means your fish too!). Winds are up to like 170mph! Gust are up to 210!!! :scared: Thank God i moved out of florida


Active Member
boca got hit by it when it was a cat. 1 we got a little damage something hit our roof so we have a leek , a basketball hoop hit my moms cor that was a brand new excusion got it like 3 days a go now dented , glasss smashed :mad:


Active Member
things could be worse connor....
i can't believe 55+ have died. why wouldn't you evacuate with a cat. 5 heading your way?


Active Member
a lot of people couldnt get out because lack of money, its sad but true, did anyone see the water tower in alabama get knocked over? 2,000 gallons!!! amazing, truly bad bad storm.


Active Member
that's true carshark, i didn't think of that.
the president of Venezuala offered to send food and fuel to the U.S. Glad to see someone is coming to our rescue for a change.


My in-laws live in a small town in mississippi, and the whole town is with out power. Lots of trees down, and no stores open at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ1
My in-laws live in a small town in mississippi, and the whole town is with out power. Lots of trees down, and no stores open at all.

theyre saying up to two weeks before power kicks on....
another note, could you imagine being in the superdome when the hurricane hit? it ripped off panels and the stadium with no a/c and limited power from generators, and the howling wind and rain gusts? what a frightfull scenario, crazy...


Active Member
can u imagine not being in the superdome when she came... thats sucks.. i have family in new orleans and mississippi..hope they are ok.. we cant call them or anything.. soo...


Active Member
I have been watching the coverage today and the flooding is just devastating, those people in the Superdome are in a bad situation, the news people are saying some guy jumped to his death. I know being in there is better drowning in their homes, but it is still just horrible. I hope they get the levy fixed and the pump systems going soon and the flooding goes down.
My prayers go out to everyone involved in this horrible storm and the aftermath.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Birdy
I have been watching the coverage today and the flooding is just devastating, those people in the Superdome are in a bad situation, the news people are saying some guy jumped to his death. I know being in there is better drowning in their homes, but it is still just horrible. I hope they get the levy fixed and the pump systems going soon and the flooding goes down.
My prayers go out to everyone involved in this horrible storm and the aftermath.

I lived in new Orleans for 40 years. My last home before moving to AZ was located three blocks from the 17th street canal levy break. I have many friends I have yet to hear from. All family members remaining in New Orleans evacuated to Monroe, LA and or safe.
You will see a body count 20-50K IMO coming from that area. We all new it would happen one day....we just hoped we were not around when it did. That City will never be he same even after rebuilding.
There is another fear regarding pumping the water. The levies holding back the river were not built to have flood water pressure from the opposite side. These levies di not fail..........yet. SOme fear when the flood waters go down and the pressure is removed form the exterior levy side ......the river levies could fail due to being compromised/erroded form the outside. . That would wipe the entrie town from New Olrleans and to the south off the map. There is great concern.


Active Member
what if in another month there was another hurricane that appeared and was heading the same directions that katrina took ---> :help:


Active Member
Bush is giving food to the iraqi people,correct? Why isn't he giving food to the hurricane victims? Some president huh :mad:


Its very easy to be taking cheap shots at anybody in power.
This is not a political issue at the moment but a life and death issue for thousands. Complain and ridicule till the end of time for all I care after all have been rescued from the area. May the good Lord take care of all those who are in alot worse places than we are tonight.


Active Member
The people of LA should have some questions for their leaders, They had plenty of time to arrange to evacuate people before the storm and did nothing. The Feds are doing what they always do, come in after the fact and help clean up the mess and rebuild.
Seems to me Florida takes some pretty hard hits and it is amazing how well the state government copes with it. Seems like LA was just waiting for the feds to come in and take over from the start. Just hope they can get control of things and take care of the people now.


Staff member
Speaking as one who lived in the Fla Keys all my life and where you are lucky to get 50% of the people to evac, I would not jump to judge the authorities for folks who refuse to evac. Evacuating is something that takes a lot of money, and poor people just don't have it, and your average working class people who live from pay check to pay check, don't have the money either. There are people who just don't have cars, don't have a place to go, have health issues that preclude them from just picking up and leaving. There is a whole lot of reason why people don't evac. Who doesn't have a pet? Pets are not allowed in shelters, so what do you do with your pets? Abandon them? Look at the people who did not evacuate and who are now in this situation. Do you see any rich people who didn't evacuate? Do you see anyone like you and me who have a car, money/credit card to stay in a hotel, a few hundred dollars to spare to spend on an emergency? No, you don't.
If there is blame to be had, it will be with the levy system itself, which is outdated and, obviously not up to snuff for the area of the gulf where this city is located. That levy system should have been someone's responsibility to upgrade since everyone seems to have known that it would not hold up! Keep in mind that this hurricane did not really cause this damage in and of itself, but the old levy system did. You have to ask too, at this stage, why rebuild a city that is already underwater???????? Going out of your way to drain land that is supposed to be submerged? But, if you are going to do this, then you need to build a levy that can accommodate hurricanes.
There is going to be hell to pay for whoever is responsible for that antiquated levy. There really is no excuse for this in that respect. And, no, it is not Bush's fault, or this mayor's fault. The problem has been there, and it should have been addressed by the government then, and the government now. I think, however, that New Orleans, is not really a "well-to-do" city. One thing you have to wonder is why wasn't the Nat. Guard in there???? When I went thru Hurricane Georges the Guard was there the very next day in control of everything! I think we have stretched are military resources beyond reason at this point.
You have to wonder how many things this country [us taxpayers] are going to have to pay for before the well runs dry. Or how many more things we are going to be able to handle. The USA is a rich country, off the hard working backs of the people who live here I may add, but the money and power is not infinite.

darth tang

Active Member
The Levy was actually in the process of being upgraded. It was scheduled to be finished in 2015. So it was being done. The Ironic thing is even if it had been done, the local government was only upgrading it to handle a class 3 Hurricane. Katrina was a class 4. So I probably wouldn't have mattered. The only thing I can say I didn't like about how LA govt. has handled this is how they present themselves. 9/11 Guiliani was on the ground, directing traffic immediately. Always in the public eye to help boost moral. This is a very big thing.
Now, look at what the local govt. officials in Louisiana were doing. Crying on TV. This doesn't really present a good image. A real one, yes. But if your local leader is showing weakness in the face of adversity that becomes contagious. Cry behind closed doors, off camera, but NOT when you are addressing your people. You are their local leader, act like it.


Staff member
IMO, this is much worse than 911 in the context of the human suffering, and the magnitude of the situation. 911 was limited to the WTC and Pentagon, not all of NYC, not all of Washington DC. What do you think would happen if all of NYC or Washington DC had been destroyed with people still in the city. Lets not compare apples with oranges. Buildings are one thing, a whole city is another. Also, survivors of 911 simply walked out of Ground Zero, and went to hospitals and went home to their families. People in NOrleans are trapped like rats in a cage. I'm not trying to minimize 911, but this situation in NOrleans is so much worse. Time to just get in and do what needs to be done, not criticize the victims or the government. This hurricane hit almost a week a ago.
Why are thugs allowed to roam the streets when we have the best military in the world?


Active Member
(sound of soapbox pulling out)
The Mayor of NO is most at fault. NOBODY knew any better the problems than him. That punk is on TV complaining that the feds didn't do their job. The fact is he didn't do his job. The Mayor KNEW there were a large amount of people with no way to get out. Why no plan to get them out? I assume the city school system has buses, why didn't they use them to take people out or charter buses? Why does Texas and Florida have to house all of the homeless? Aren't there any other cities in LA that could have taken at least some of the people from the Superdome in? The Govornor should have had relief supplies in position to be available until the feds (who never move at breakneck speed) get it in gear.
(sound of soapbox being put away)


Active Member
I've heard rumors they're considering moving the entire city further inland rather than risking another catastrophe like this one. I'm by no means playing down this disaster, but New Orleans is a bowl shaped piece of land which sits 20 feet below sealevel ... should there have ever been a city there? What happens when the next one hits?
I don't think mankind is capable of building a levee that could hold back the fury a category 5 hurricane would unleash on a geographic location like New Orleans.