hurricane katrina


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
I DO want to read that later...thanks...but I just saw where Nagin wants to bring back 180,000 people in the next 2 weeks???????????????????????????
I brought this up to a family that is now going to my childrens school from NO. They were there last weekend for the "12 hour blitz". She said "he's way....not possible.....where is he going to put them....the MOLD is rampant even in homes without major water damage. (theirs)
There is a portion of the city that received little or no folldomg. Algiers, the French Quarter, Treme and sections of Uptown New Orleans. They are working to bring two hopitals on-line and to restore power, etc. They are also waiting for more tests on air quality.
These areas are the historic areas and some are almost 300 years old. They are built close to the river and are the higher areas where the Mississippi deposited silt centruries ago.
Electricity has been restored to many areas in New Orleans with the exception of those still flooded. Algiers residents are scheduled to return next week with other areas the following week if the air quality remains good.
Again, these areas received light flooding to no flooding and suffered minimal damage. There is a site where you can click blocks and see current estimated water depth and the height of flooding from a couple weeks ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
I DO want to read that later...thanks...but I just saw where Nagin wants to bring back 180,000 people in the next 2 weeks???????????????????????????
I brought this up to a family that is now going to my childrens school from NO. They were there last weekend for the "12 hour blitz". She said "he's way....not possible.....where is he going to put them....the MOLD is rampant even in homes without major water damage. (theirs)
Nagin announces schedule for return of residents in Algiers, Uptown, CBD, Quarter
12:16 PM CDT on Thursday, September 15, 2005
Mayor Ray Nagin announced the plans to get businesses and residents back into the city of New Orleans beginning this weekend.
The schedule for re-entry includes:
Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17 & 18 Business owners in Algiers, CBD, French Quarter and Uptown with ID and proof that they live or work in the area.
Monday, Sept. 19 Algiers Residents with ID.
Wednesday, Sept. 21 Residents in zip code 70115 Uptown with ID.
Friday, Sept. 23 Residents in zip code 70118 Uptown with ID.
Monday, Sept. 26 Residents in the French Quarter and the rest of the CBD with ID.


Active Member
wow...I'll have to ask this family where exactly they are from.
Now, my next are all of these people gonna get back? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
wow...I'll have to ask this family where exactly they are from.
Now, my next are all of these people gonna get back? :notsure:

These are not poor areas of the city...most if not all would have driven their vehicles.


Active Member
New poll is out taken at the Houston Asrodome. Folks were asked why they did not evacuate. over two thirds stated they stayed because they did not realize how bad the storm would be and the aftermath.
Therefore, over 66% at the Astrodome according to this poll did not evacuate because they ignored repeated warnings...not because buses didn't show up in their neighborhood. and/or they lacked funds to do so.


Active Member
..... Friday AND Saturday AND Sunday they were calling it a "Killer Storm"

Many of the evacuees here in STL were polled in the centers/hotels/homes etc and more than 1/2 said they would NOT return to the gulf region to rebuild their lives.


Active Member
something else that has been bugging me about this. Finally Mississippi is getting the coverage they are due. I have been reading/watching about these poor peoples lives.
I am amazed how far inland this thing went. Almost all of these people who live inland (and didn't need flood insurance) were told by their insurers that their damage was casued by water, not wind. Sadly Katrina's traveling companion to Mississippi was a 40 foot wall of water and it spared almost no one. The damage to the coastline is obvious, but I am shocked at the devistation so far inland. It will be interesting to see how much the insurers try to wash their hands even more now that Bush has implemented his new policy.

sinner's girl

Even the comment regarding the Mayor staying in Baton Rouge is 100% inaccurate.
Lol. Sunday before it hit, CNN said my school was closed until further notice, fine, we were on quarter break, I was in the port of miami and really didn't care. the next sunday (sept 4) my mom and mother-in-law told me school was closed until further notice. Guess what? No one informed the school! or those working there. Profs and workers went to work every day. They were off labor day (duh!) and on Tuesday had meetings all day. The only change was classes started the next monday and not friday. At that point, I refuse to believe what I hear on the news. We weren't closed, we had no reason to be closed (North La.)
more than 1/2 said they would NOT return to the gulf region to rebuild their lives.
we only want some back, those with money and education and/or a JOB. the rest of the states can keep our uneducated, non-willing to work, welfare collecting people. We really don't want them back. Maybe our school systems will be better and crime will be lower.
over two thirds stated they stayed because they did not realize how bad the storm would be and the aftermath.
I left in 1999, was told it was going to be bad. And you know what we came home to? A few branches in the yards. Not worth leaving. We're always told it's going to be bad. So I can understand people not leaving. It's a pain. Of course it's more of pain when it is bad. But in 15 years, we left once. I swore I'd never do it again. And ya know what? My old house is fine. No power, ect. But if we still lived there, I could have stayed.
A link for understanding New Orleans lingo aka How to tawk rite.....Who Dat? Many folks back home are spread out accorss this great land...perhaps this will help you to understand what you are hearin....
That's not...oh nevermind...
It's time for others to learn ebonics!
And frankly, I think there are lots of people who let that city down. A lot of people who cut those people loose for DECADES. Just saying "its Bush" is avoiding the issue. And it ticks me off. It just never truly came to light for me until now.
Nope, it's not just Bush, never said it was. But people have been letting the city down in many others way for a long time to. Have you check out our education system? Did you know it's possible to graduate without knowing how to read, write, do simple math? Not taking anything personally. I just get ticked off that now everyone has the answers, says we should have done that. Where were all these people beforehand? Not you and regular people, the people who KNEW, the politions and such who voted not to give N.O. the money.
Considering the number of people Houston has taken in, willingly and with open arms
Ya'll can keep them if you want.
My main point was that a LOT of new coverages was/is WRONG! or just not all the way true. Like my school being closed, we never were. That's just one misreported fact. Half-truths, placing the blame on bush. Heck, he's only been in office for what a year? He called the mayor, for that I'm thankful.
And what's sadder, is the number of people taking advange of the situation. Families getting stuff who don't need it, but hey, the gove owes them right?
We have people staying in my town, but I haven't felt the effect of it. There was a job fair today for them, and students. i went, a waste of my time, nothing for me. Some people weren't even hiring, so I have no idea why they were there.

try to wash their hands even more now that Bush has implemented his new policy.
What new policy? I live in a bubble and don't like the news.
But hey, I was on the Valor, snorkling and havinh the time of my life, so I guess I shouldn't say anything anyway, but I will.

darth tang

Active Member
My main point was that a LOT of new coverages was/is WRONG! or just not all the way true. Like my school being closed, we never were. That's just one misreported fact. Half-truths, placing the blame on bush. Heck, he's only been in office for what a year? He called the mayor, for that I'm thankful
You pointed out your mom said the school was closed. It is possible your mom heard or understood the news wrong. You state the news was wrong, yet you didn't directly hear it from the news. Your "source" was wrong, not the news. And Bush has been in office almost 5 years now. Did you miss the first four? Not saying it is all his fault, atleast he says the federal blame rests with him unlike the local governments.

darth tang

Active Member
Nope, it's not just Bush, never said it was. But people have been letting the city down in many others way for a long time to. Have you check out our education system? Did you know it's possible to graduate without knowing how to read, write, do simple math? Not taking anything personally. I just get ticked off that now everyone has the answers, says we should have done that. Where were all these people beforehand? Not you and regular people, the people who KNEW, the politions and such who voted not to give N.O. the money.
I am confused, the money everyone keeps discussing was to help rebuild and support the levee system. What does it have to do with education?
I would also like to point out the local government is mainly in control for funding the education system. Look at the local govt. not the federal. New Mexico was almost dead last in education 4 years ago. Our new governor has implemented funds and programs that has changed that by a good margin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I am confused, the money everyone keeps discussing was to help rebuild and support the levee system. What does it have to do with education?
I would also like to point out the local government is mainly in control for funding the education system. Look at the local govt. not the federal. New Mexico was almost dead last in education 4 years ago. Our new governor has implemented funds and programs that has changed that by a good margin.

Many federally mandated as well as state mandated educational programs end up being underfunded by same leaving local school districts to make up the difference. These are not programs you can elimiate as they are MANDATED. . This shackles many smaller and poorer districts.
New Orleans was/is a true melting pot. ALL should be welcomed back with the exception of drug dealers and those that wish to wreak stated by the mayor
That link is New Orlelaens lingo and not ebonics. Were you born or are you from this City? obviously have zero understanding of the culture of my once home town . You probaly owe many good folks an apology as your comments I'm sure will be insulting to some.
A very large percentage of the poor class in new Orlenas are god fearing hard working folks and law abiding citizens. many may be on federal and state assistance but so are many folks in this country. 75% of those living in poverty in this country are white..many uneducated, on welfare and unable to secure jobs. Some or lazy..many are not . Should all the folks in poverty be run out of every town in this nation?
You cartianly are entitled to your opinion..but I'm sure many will find your comments insulting.
I assume you are young and have MUCH to learn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
something else that has been bugging me about this. Finally Mississippi is getting the coverage they are due. I have been reading/watching about these poor peoples lives.
I am amazed how far inland this thing went. Almost all of these people who live inland (and didn't need flood insurance) were told by their insurers that their damage was casued by water, not wind. Sadly Katrina's traveling companion to Mississippi was a 40 foot wall of water and it spared almost no one. The damage to the coastline is obvious, but I am shocked at the devistation so far inland. It will be interesting to see how much the insurers try to wash their hands even more now that Bush has implemented his new policy.

The job of insurance compnaies is to deny claims and put as many obstacles between the policy holder and the claim. They are very good at it and will look to any piece of "fine print" that allows them to slip through a hole. They are sure they are well protected. A couple of class action suits have already been filed in against the insurance compnaies and one against the oil industry. The oil industry is being blaamimed for coastal errosion and desctrution of wetlands which led to flooding. This via dredging/building of waterways, etc. Levee break is being blamed on consturction "flaws" and not "an act of God" as stated in many policies. rendering this exclusion as nonapplicable. Forst of many suits to be filed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I left in 1999, was told it was going to be bad. And you know what we came home to? A few branches in the yards. Not worth leaving. We're always told it's going to be bad. So I can understand people not leaving. It's a pain. Of course it's more of pain when it is bad. But in 15 years, we left once. I swore I'd never do it again. And ya know what? My old house is fine. No power, ect. But if we still lived there, I could have stayed.

Most hurricanes are not a cat 4 or 5. Obviously if you are far enough away from the coast or body of water, there is no need to leave (yes for bigger catagories). This storm was going to be a direct hit. People close to any body of water should be required to leave. Had those people left, they would have been gone when the levee broke. All of the info provided in the past 20 + years regarding New Orleans and a storm of this magnitude would have required all to evacuate to be safe from the potential storm surge/levee break. Even if Katrina was a cat 2 or 3, I still think it would have been enough for the same outcome.
St. Louis had horrific flooding in 1993. We knew the rivers were going to come out of their banks several days before they actually did. People around these areas left, business owners got U-Hauls and packed up, car dealerships moved their inventory to higher ground. Many people/homes were effected by this.
And guess what......a levee broke (didn't plan on that) and all hell broke loose with it. But we were not plucking thousands of people out of their attics.
All I am saying is planning is key on the coasts. Implamenting those plans are an even bigger key. People should not be allowed to gamble with stoms of this size. The Govnr
of North Carolina made it very clear the other day. If people didn't take the mandatory evacuation seriously, NO ONE was coming to get you. Ophelia proved to be a very damaging storm by the looks of it. Small, but she packed a little punch.


Originally Posted by lovethesea
:mad: :mad:

Kanye West Rips Bush During NBC Concert By FRAZIER MOORE, AP Television Writer
Sat Sep 3, 6:08 AM ET
NEW YORK - It began, fittingly enough, with jazz from New Orleans natives Harry Connick Jr. and Wynton Marsalis. But "A Concert for Hurricane Relief," a heartfelt and dignified benefit aired on NBC and other networks Friday night, took an unexpected turn thanks to the outspoken rapper Kanye West.
Appearing two-thirds through the program, he claimed " George Bush doesn't care about black people" and said America is set up "to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible."
Lets hope we see this egocentric down there with a shovel and a dumspter helping clean up. Do you think we will?? Or any of the above "stars" mentioned in the above post? I would bet that a few of them don't even have a clue the magnitude of this disaster. Hopefully they will put their money where their mouth is

The bottom line is governer Bush is an aboslute moron when it comes to working under pressure (and i say Gov Bush , becuase that was the last thing he was legitimatly elected to , hes lucky doesnt get Mr bush from me) Bush has done nothing for THIS country and everything he can for OTHER countries , i think hes forgetting where he was assigned to.
And i do not agree with that Idiot Kenye West at all , he seems like he is as racist as can be , it figured that this would be turned into a rascist thing. Natural Disaster dont see color , there were white people living in New Orleans also. We wouldnt just let people sit there and die. No matter how much i hate buh , it is not his fault this is happening , he should deffinatly have responded to it better when it first happened instead of waiting untill he was critisized and then try to act like a hero , buit my take on it is that you wont see either of those

down there with a shovel and a dumpster , you probably wont even see either of those

open up there OWN wallet to it either. I donated half of my check to the relief , that more than youll see come from kenye , Bush , or Bush's Family . Hell even Clinton donated 2 million to this


Active Member
I don't think West has come up with anything yet. I did hear his back peddling on a talk show or entertainment show (don't remember). He stated that he meant he didn't like the way the media portraid blacks and whites. He saw a pic with a black male and female and under it "looting" and a white male and female as getting food for their family. The "looting" picture came from Europe I believe the white "family" pic came from U.S.
Now, that I will stand with him on.....(nothing else
) there is a tendency to stir the pot on those kind of things. But placing the direct on Bush was stupid.

darth tang

Active Member
The bottom line is governer Bush is an aboslute moron when it comes to working under pressure (and i say Gov Bush , becuase that was the last thing he was legitimatly elected to , hes lucky doesnt get Mr bush from me) Bush has done nothing for THIS country and everything he can for OTHER countries , i think hes forgetting where he was assigned to.
And i do not agree with that Idiot Kenye West at all , he seems like he is as racist as can be , it figured that this would be turned into a rascist thing. Natural Disaster dont see color , there were white people living in New Orleans also. We wouldnt just let people sit there and die. No matter how much i hate buh , it is not his fault this is happening , he should deffinatly have responded to it better when it first happened instead of waiting untill he was critisized and then try to act like a hero , buit my take on it is that you wont see either of those

down there with a shovel and a dumpster , you probably wont even see either of those

open up there OWN wallet to it either. I donated half of my check to the relief , that more than youll see come from kenye , Bush , or Bush's Family . Hell even Clinton donated 2 million to this
That was constructive. Nothing but constant bashing on the president. I will refrain however from retorting to your views, however distorted.
I would like a link however that has the story stating Billy boy donated 2 million dollars. I have been watching who donates and who doesn't very closely and haven't read this anywhere.


Originally Posted by Oceanist
The bottom line is governer Bush is an aboslute moron when it comes to working under pressure (and i say Gov Bush , becuase that was the last thing he was legitimatly elected to , hes lucky doesnt get Mr bush from me) Bush has done nothing for THIS country and everything he can for OTHER countries , i think hes forgetting where he was assigned to.

Very interesting comment. Darth Tang may not want to stoop to your level so I will give it a try though I don't think I can stoop that low.
How much sooner would you have liked him to have people there considering it only took a day and 1/2 to get things in postition and rolling. I quess you have forgotten about the warnings he gave both the gov. and mayor 2 DAYS prior to the hurricane making land fall that where not listen to till it was too late.
And as for the disrespect you show for PRESIDENT BUSH it just shows how much disrepect you have for this country. It amazes me that even though PRESIDENT CLINTON was not liked by many republicans he was never disrespected the way PRESIDENT BUSH has been.
Do yourself a favor look at the history of this country and tell me how many presidents have had as much put on to their plates as PRESIDENT BUSH HAS. He's not perfect no one is but lets stop playing the blame game.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fuax
Very interesting comment. Darth Tang may not want to stoop to your level so I will give it a try though I don't think I can stoop that low.
How much sooner would you have liked him to have people there considering it only took a day and 1/2 to get things in postition and rolling. I quess you have forgotten about the warnings he gave both the gov. and mayor 2 DAYS prior to the hurricane making land fall that where not listen to till it was too late.
And as for the disrespect you show for PRESIDENT BUSH it just shows how much disrepect you have for this country. It amazes me that even though PRESIDENT CLINTON was not liked by many republicans he was never disrespected the way PRESIDENT BUSH has been.
Do yourself a favor look at the history of this country and tell me how many presidents have had as much put on to their plates as PRESIDENT BUSH HAS. He's not perfect no one is but lets stop playing the blame game.