Hydroids, hydroids, hydroids . . .


Active Member
I seem to have developed quite a problem with hydroids in my tank. They came in on a small piece of LR that I bought 2 years ago and I didn't think much of it at that time.
However, now as the tank has been established for a long time the colony is spreading and popping up all over the tank . . . a little here, a little there . . . its starting to affect things. (i.e. corals) I have the type that is stationary, and looks like a colony of featherdusters. They are brown.
What do I do here? I need to get these under control and I have no idea how.


I got rid of mine by taking out the effected pieces of live rock and grinding them off with a makita grinder, ever since no problems with them. The coralline quickly grows back and you can't even tell that I did it.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Do a web search for Keyhole Limpets. Halfa dozen should clean it up in no time.

any thoughts as to where one might aquire some of these? Never seen em locally.


Active Member
and furthermore it appears that there are no online vendors that carry them either . . . .
You got any in that there lagoonal thingy Guy? :D :thinking:


I couldn't find any either when I had researched them which is why I ended up with the grinder. Initially I had tried tweezers which would fairly well as long as you didn't let any loose in the tank, but they always seemed to come back within a couple of weeks and more of them each time.

bang guy

I've only got a couple left. Guess I need to buy some more aquacultured rock.
Perhaps someone from Florida could find some on a pier for you if you have something to trade. I wouldn't mind some more myself either.
Anyone from the Keys or Florida was to go hunting?


Active Member
I had the type u have a number of years back. And they got way out of hand as well. I got rid of them by making a very thick kalk mix and putting it on top of them. I did this section by section until all were gone. And then a final clean up of any that spread after the last section were killed. If they're very numerous and wide spread I wouldn't recommend doing them all at once as not the screw up the water chem. They have never returned.


just out of curiousity, do you have a pic of your problem? just for my own reference. i also know of a couple that live seaside in florida and sell many items that they collect themselves. they have a website, and i'ld be happy to give you the addy. their prices are reasonable as well.


Active Member
I will post a picture when I get home this evening.
I would also like the addy if you have a chance. Could you email it to me at
millerj24 at yahoo dot com