

I was hoping someone out there could tell me alittle about this coral. I saw one and would love to learn more to see if I can bring it home to my system. Oh and here is an updated picture since it's been so long. We just moved in sept. So it's had to addjust to that.

bang guy

It has one of the most powerful sticgs out there so it needs to have a distance between it and other corals. It used to be classified as SPS but I think it's more of an LPS.


thanks Bang I guess I better stay away from it. As you can see I don't have a lot of room. Just wanted to let you know the recordia I got from you is doing so good. Thanks


Hydnophora is very territorial and will attack everything within an inch of its space. I have lost lots of acro frags that have moved/fell into its reach. Mushrooms are not even safe. I have successfully fragged this thing several times, and am now stuck trying to trade all the frags to get them out of the tank.....


Thanks Bang. I was wondering if that is what it was called when I did my search or if this was something different. But you know the lfs.
LeBoeuf- Thanks so much. Wow you do look like you have a bunch of it. It must be a fast grower. Very pretty but I love my other stuff to much to take a chance. Thanks for the warning.


know this is an old thread, but if anybody is still watching, what is the large white coral in the top left in the picture by the first poster (JLM)? thanks


I have a ton of that stuff in my reef it grows fast and is brilliant green. I've actually used it for glueing rock together. One peice I have shot a spidder like web of string like stuff attacking a nearby star polyp coral didnt kill it though and its done it several times since I'll try and find a pic for you