I am desperate!


Hello people!
I am very sorry, I posted it on other forum (fishgeeks), and people was very helpful there. I just hope here crowd as helpful too and might hear some solution to my problems.
Sorry for my English, as it not my first language.
It seemed like, that I have a common problem after searching forum. Please don't shout on me for repeating something which was I asked before. I still did not find what myself personally doing wrong (probably a lot, lol, as I so new to my hobby)
I have a 220 litres (UK 55 gallons) tank for 4 weeks now and cycled it with 10lb of life rock and 2 mollies (converted from freshwater). Two weeks ago I've added 2 damsels and 2 clown fishes. On subsequent week, I added regal tang, and redlip blenny. So far fish look a behaves healthy.
About two weeks ago my water gone cloudy. (before it was certainly clear) I understand, that it might be biological bloom, but I thought it should pass in a week or so. It did not. Some of "cloudiness" created by protein skinner bubbles, but water its still not clear.
I don't think I overfeed fish either. I use brianshrimp, and dry greens for the tang and feeding them once a day. All food getting eaten before its sinks to the bottom.
I've done about 25% of water change which did not helped.
My yesterday water tests:
I was advised to get more live rock, and get rid of some of my fish. Is anything else can be done?
I am panicking big time! I even thought my regal tang was dying today, as he was lying on his side for a bit. He seems an ok now again! :joy: I am attaching picture of my horror!


Originally Posted by Olga
Hello people!
I am very sorry, I posted it on other forum (fishgeeks), and people was very helpful there. I just hope here crowd as helpful too and might hear some problems to my solution.
Sorry for my English, as it not my first language.
It seemed like, that I have a common problem after searching forum. Please don't shout on me for repeating something which was I asked before. I still did not find what myself personally doing wrong (probably a lot, lol, as I so new to my hobby)
I have a 220 litres (UK 55 gallons) tank for 4 weeks now and cycled it with 10lb of life rock and 2 mollies (converted from freshwater). Two weeks ago I've added 2 damsels and 2 clown fishes. On subsequent week, I added regal tang, and redlip blenny. So far fish look a behaves healthy.
About two weeks ago my water gone cloudy. (before it was certainly clear) I understand, that it might be biological bloom, but I thought it should pass in a week or so. It did not. Some of "cloudiness" created by protein skinner bubbles, but water its still not clear.
I don't think I overfeed fish either. I use brianshrimp, and dry greens for the tang and feeding them once a day. All food getting eaten before its sinks to the bottom.
I've done about 25% of water change which did not helped.
My yesterday water tests:
I was advised to get more live rock, and get rid of some of my fish. Is anything else can be done?
I am panicking big time! I even thought my regal tang was dying today, as he was lying on his side for a bit. He seems an ok now again! :joy: I am attaching picture of my horror!
what is you substrate? Live sand? how fast did you add the fish? if you have live sand, you have to add fish and what not SLOWLY. to give the benifitial bacteria time to catch up with the bioload..what filters are you running? I would do away with the brine shrimp and get some good food...formula 1,or flake , the flake isn't all that , but it is better than brine. Are you sure that your tank cycled all the way? I cycled my tank for a month and a half before i ever thought about adding a fish. what kind of tests do you use? drops or strips?


What kind of filters you running? Any PH's??? It seems like you don't have any kind of filtration, but onlt the HOB in the middle....Getting a skimmer and some PH'S for movement may help.....


Hi AzOcean.
My substrate its just sand for marine set up. That's what they sold me in my local store. I don't think its a Live sand. I did not heard such existed before reading forum. I did washed it as properly as I can, and my tank was transparent for a week or so (after first set up cloudiness settled)
I must admit, I have not added my fish slowly as you can see from my post. I know its a common mistake, I am so impatient. :(
I am not sure if tank cycled, but above quality water tests was like that for a last two week or so.(with slight variation in nitrates).
I use Saltwater Master liquid test kit. My filter is Rena Filstar XP2. My protein skimmer is Red Sea Prism (still blows quite a few little bubbles)
Would additional filter in UV steriliser help this cloudy water?


Active Member
i would deffinaatly remove the tang, it will most likely die, your system in not matureed anough yet, wait until you tank is AT LEAST 8 months old, then add a tang if you take the one you have in out.


Originally Posted by jhebi
What kind of filters you running? Any PH's??? It seems like you don't have any kind of filtration, but onlt the HOB in the middle....Getting a skimmer and some PH'S for movement may help.....
I just posted about my filtration and skimmer above. I don't have Power head, but will buy it this weekend. What is HOB?


Active Member
Your first problem is that you added the fish too fast. For that size tank, you need a few powerheads to move the water. Live rock would be very helpful with your problem as well.


Originally Posted by fedukeford
HOB= hang on back ____
Thats my protein skimmer on the back in the middle. Was the only way to fit it, and cut some of the tank lid off.


Active Member
Hi Olga
As mentioned get a powerhead or two to add more circulation in the tank,
Clean your filters often and maybe add another one
Do more water changes with RO/Di mix
Dont add any more fish
More cured live rock
A better skimmer
UV want hurt
Regals some times will lay still like that
Welcome to the boards


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Hi Olga
As mentioned get a powerhead or two to add more circulation in the tank,
Clean your filters often and maybe add another one
Do more water changes with RO/Di mix
Dont add any more fish
More cured live rock
A better skimmer
UV want hurt
Regals some times will lay still like that
Welcome to the boards
Thanks for a welcome!
I definitely will buy another filter and few more power heads as well as UV sterilizer
Is my protein skimmer not an adequate? In shop it was one of the most expensive for this size set up. :(
Please don't take me wrong, I just don't want to spent more then I have to. So your experience and knowledge here very appreciated.
I did last water change 4 days ago, as well as cleaned all stuff inside the filter, and its gone even more cloudy since then. Maybe because I added fish also.
How do I know if tank cycled, if water test was ok and stable for a last 2 weeks? I also tested water last weekend in my aquatic shop. For a last 4 days I am testing water 2 times a day.
What is the best media to use in the filter to speed up the clearing process? I have Bio-Chem Zorb, and Ceramic Rings inside there now.


Active Member
Before you do anything with filters get a better skimmer. I had the same skimmer and its really poor. It takes constant adjustment to get it to do its job. If your seeing bubbles its not working right but the problem is once you get it to work the next day you have to redo it.
I hear the Coral Life Super Skimmer is very good and resonable in price range. I never used one but really have never heard anything bad.
I also agree with too many fish in there. Get a good skimmer, reduce bioload, more live rock and do you have a clean up crew?
Welcome to the boards!

Don't give up you'll get it!



Hi Turning Tim.
Thank you for you assurance. :)
I have a little question regarding skimmer. Is skimmers exist which when you fit them, you no need to cut the part of the lid tank off. Its just my husband had so much hassle to install it! Now, if I buy another skimmer, he needs to do all that again. (and cut another hole, as previous one would not certainly fit a new skimmer) Also, I will end up with a tank with two many holes in the lid. :(.
What is clean up crew?


Active Member
No worries Olga, most of us have been there a time or two.....
There are differnet types of skimmers with different set up requirements. I think Aqua C makes a nice HOB (hang on back tank) style skimmer. Hopefully someone else can chime in b/c I don't use an HOB and only have experience with the one you have. I built my own skimmer and I can tell you that the Prizm is really bad IMO. Do a search for skimmer and there requirements, as with anything in this hobby you must do your research and read a lot. Don't nessasarily beleave what your local fish store (LFS) tells you. They are trying to sell what they have and not what maybe good for you. Don't get me wrong there are some LFS that are great but I still take everything with a grain of salt. This place is a wonderful resource for knowledge and advise with no strings attached.
Clean up crew are inverts that clean your tank (glass, sand, rock). Snails, crabs, stars etc. Look at the left hand side of the page and you will see inverts/ reef packages. Check it out. These creatures will eat algea, left over food and detrius.
Hope this helped, hopefully others will add to this.



Active Member
First off, Welcome to boards!
Your English seems to be pretty good. Have you tried getting any books on the aquarium hobby? Fenner writes a great one called "Conscientious Marine Aquarist".
A good book would help to clarify a lot to you right now; Types of skimmers, water movement, type of sand, filtration, etc.
I wouldn't worry too much about cutting holes in the lid. Your tank needs to "breathe" anyway.
Good luck with your tank!


Thank you for advise regarding skimmers!
Of course I read a lot of books before for a year or so before deciding on the marine fish tank set up. I probably spent almost £200 so far on the books and magazines alone. I am new to marine hobby, (apart of scubadiving)but I do have a successful fish tank for over a year now.
I also ordered Conscientious Marine Aquarist today, as it was suggested to me on other forum.
Is just such vast amount information to swallow, and sometimes contradictory too. Also you have some jargon on the forums, which is not in any books ;-). Or maybe because I am a foreigner.
That's what I thought "cleaners crew" means. I just needed a confirmation. However I was advised not to add any live stock now for months!
Ah well, I just need to acquire some patience now, and unplanned expenditure. LOL


Active Member
See you got it going on!
That is a great book! Take it slow and use your own good judgement and you'll be fine!

If you have a question about "jargon" just ask!



Originally Posted by Olga
That's what I thought "cleaners crew" means. I just needed a confirmation. However I was advised not to add any live stock now for months!
As long as your water parameters are ok, you should be able to add a cleanup crew. I don't think they will add to the bioload.


i wouldn't get all nasty with the skimmmer....LOL i have the same one and it works perfectly. if your skimmer is blowing bubbles then you simply have to turn the little flow knob down abit. watch it for a while untill you get no more bubbles...it may look like the skimmer isnt working, but it is. and will pull a great deal from your water. I agree its not the best on the market, but it does work good...you just have to know how to adjust it. , as others have said , you added your fish way to fast...you admitted you are impatient...LOL as i am...but if there is anything on this planet that has taught me patience...it is the saltwater reef tank.! PH's in my opinion are a must. your water must be aggitated. <top water> and good flow through your tank. I have 4 powerheads in my 55gal., to big ones and two little ones....a big one to aggitate the surface, 2 are flowing through the tank at various points and one hooked to a spray bar behind my live rock. blah blah blah...it all adds up to good flow through out the tank....a clean up crew...deffinatly need that....hermits, various types of snails, ect. you said you washed your sand???? that is wierd to me. when ever you find Live Sand...if you have it...or did have it...do not wash it. the bacteria you are wanting is in the live sand, along with worms and various other creatures that are very good for your tank.


AZ Ocean, I did washed my sand, because it was not Live sand. That was staff in the local shop advised me to purchase.
I have a massive favour to ask members of the forum.
I know its very cheeky and a lot to ask, so my apologies for it. Can anybody look on this site: http://www.aquatics-warehouse.co.uk/...ARINE_122.html and advise me what the best equipment to order in addition to my existing, to cure the problem.
This is the only UK based site who does next day delivery, as I can't get to aquatic centre before weekend, because of the work commitments.(and even then its questionable) I just don't want to order something which is not suitable for my set up.
To recap my set up:
55 Gallon (UK gallons) Rena bow front tank
Filstar XP2 filter
Red Sea Prism skimmer
10lb of live rock
2 mollies
2 clowns
2 damsels
1 redlip blenny
1 Regal tang
some caulepra algae (thriving)
According to advise here, I think I need to buy:
2 powerheads
1 more additional filter
UV sterliser
Another protein skimmer.
I will order more LR from other site. Anything else I need?
Preferably if its all possible, I want the easy connection and less bulky stuff. Does not matter if its much more expensive, as I don't have much space in my sump to accommodate equipment. However performance is on a high top list also!
My apologies again for such a request. Thanks so much in advance.
P.S: tank is even more cloudy today.