I am desperate!


I just done the water test again and its exactly the same as it was yesterday (healthy parameters, according to my water testing kit anyway).
Is all this muddy water down to overstocking to fast, and not powerful enough equipment? Still, even if that that case, its just to bloody cloudy. (not just cloudy, extremely MEGA cloudy!) I just hope I am not going to smash this tank to pieces with a hammer in anger very soon. :mad:
My freshwater tank (30 gallons) as clear as tear! I know I should not compare.


Active Member
Honestly sometimes it just takes time for the cloudiness to go away, if you tests are measuring correctly and you have the proper stuff in your tank then it is just a time thing.
Some things I would do if I were you, double check your tests, either take a sample to the LFS or test some fresh makeup water make sure tests are accurate and then test your water again.
I agree with the suggestion of more LR and powerheads, but if you do add more LR then do it slowly (one piece at a time) and be sure the rock is fully cured or you will cause a spike in levels.
As far as your skimmer, it does work, it is not the best out there but it can be used so I wouldn't be so quick to waste that money if it were me.
UV- they can help but they are not miracle workers, might want to save your money on this.
It is sort of hard to see in the picture but is there any possibility the cloudiness is caused by diatoms, is there a film of brown over everything or is the water itself white and milky looking?
I recently had a 210 go through something like this and it took at least two weeks for the cloudiness to go away, and all levels measured fine during the whole time. One day it just started clearing up and is beautiful now.


Active Member
Hi Olga,
What type of lighting are you using and for how long do you keep the lights on in the tank? Also check the type of light bulb you are using, because I've seen one person I work with have a extreme algae problem do to a incorrect light bulb being used. Took him forever to figure that out.


I turn my back for one minute and you go running off to another message board? Hmphhhh!!! ;-)
Olga, you are going to get the same advice here you got at fishgeeks. There is no magic solution to clearing up your water. Take heed to what everyone is telling you. More filtration, less fish, fewer feedings, etc.
Believe me, just when you'll want to take a hammer to it, it will start to improve and you'll wonder why you got so upset in the first place.


Active Member
I would run carbon in some sort of a filter for a few days. That should get rid of the cloudiness in your water. I'd also add two powerheads as well. try Maxijet 900's. With your water test results, it looks safe to add a cleanup crew.


Originally Posted by Birdy
Honestly sometimes it just takes time for the cloudiness to go away, if you tests are measuring correctly and you have the proper stuff in your tank then it is just a time thing.
Some things I would do if I were you, double check your tests, either take a sample to the LFS or test some fresh makeup water make sure tests are accurate and then test your water again.
I agree with the suggestion of more LR and powerheads, but if you do add more LR then do it slowly (one piece at a time) and be sure the rock is fully cured or you will cause a spike in levels.
As far as your skimmer, it does work, it is not the best out there but it can be used so I wouldn't be so quick to waste that money if it were me.
UV- they can help but they are not miracle workers, might want to save your money on this.
It is sort of hard to see in the picture but is there any possibility the cloudiness is caused by diatoms, is there a film of brown over everything or is the water itself white and milky looking?
I recently had a 210 go through something like this and it took at least two weeks for the cloudiness to go away, and all levels measured fine during the whole time. One day it just started clearing up and is beautiful now.
I do understand that i need to add another LR very slowly, as it can trigger another cycle again.
Birdy: first water was milky and cloudy for about 4 days, after filling tank with a water (I know its normal), Then after, it was perfectly clear for about a week. I've added black mollies, slowly converted from the freshwater tank to help it cycle. Then I gone for a Christmas holliday to Ukraine and left it. I've asked neighbour to come to feed my fish in freshwater tank as well as mollies in marine tank every other day.
I was quite stressed to comeback from the 2 weeks absence and expecting that I will find few floaters of black mollies in my tank (considering it was such shock for them to be converted from the freshwater, never mind to put them in the uncycled tank) Well. they were little soldiers, and survived this stress, and still thriving now.
I was very chuffed about it, tested the water (nitrate was high though) and bought two damsels and two clowns few days after to speed cycling. Water was as transparent as Smirnoff vodka.
Since then water gone more and more cloudy. First it was milky cloudy, now it has yellow tinge to it, and even more muddy.
I am very upset! I did not got use to fail in anything I do. I had a massive smack on my nose now, for being so arrogant and rightly so!

Now I lost deadline to order extra stuff for a next day delivery. :(


Active Member
If the water has a yellow tinge to it, you need more circulation. Get a coupple of powerheads, and you will see an improvement. MY roomates freshwater tank did this. We added something to increase circulation, and it helped dramatically!!!
Good luck!!


Originally Posted by mystic7
I turn my back for one minute and you go running off to another message board? Hmphhhh!!! ;-)
Olga, you are going to get the same advice here you got at fishgeeks. There is no magic solution to clearing up your water. Take heed to what everyone is telling you. More filtration, less fish, fewer feedings, etc.
Believe me, just when you'll want to take a hammer to it, it will start to improve and you'll wonder why you got so upset in the first place.
Yes, I did Mystic! Same as you. ;-) In fact: I came to this forum from, because you mentioned it on fishgeeks, lol. You certainly must be female! Only judging by your posting style and in a way similar impatient approach to this hobby ;-)
I am confident now! I will crack it eventually! I just can't wait to do so! (even thought its probably where I am going wrong)


Today in the morning I managed to buy another filter Rena XP3 and installed, as well as running my RenaXP2. (So I have 2 filters now) I've added more filters media-active carbon as well as Fluval biomax. Water clarifier did not do nothing.
I also installed 2 powerheads. My friend with marine tank took away Regal tang, just for the time till I will sort problems. I was not feeding the fish also.
As you can see from the picture 11 hours later(since I've installed additional things)- that my water not just cloudy, its murky yellow green and much worse then picture from the few days ago. Additional equipment does not seem to help. even a bit. Is it an algae?
I just can't see how its going to improve now. Should I replace about 80% of the water with Ro water,(at least leave some of my old water, as it has a bacteria). Parameters of the water still ok. I had another test today in the shop, as well as with my own testing kit.
I can't see other solution to it now, apart of this drastic step (replacing majority of the water). I am at my wits end! :mad:
Any other suggestions?


Active Member
30% of the water is a LOT to change at one time. 80% could be tragic. Take a deep breath. If the parameters are OK, then the fish are OK, then it just LOOKS bad. It really isn't bad. :joy:
Smaller water changes more often. . .and welcome to the boards!


Originally Posted by Farmboy
30% of the water is a LOT to change at one time. 80% could be tragic. Take a deep breath. If the parameters are OK, then the fish are OK, then it just LOOKS bad. It really isn't bad. :joy:
Smaller water changes more often. . .and welcome to the boards!

It is bad, Farmboy! I want to enjoy my tank, and how its possible when you look at the tank and it looks like filled with water from the swamp. BTW, clarity did not improved now for over for 24 hours since I added powerheads and two filters filled with micron cartridges and vast amount of activated carbon bags, though at least it did not got worse.
I can't see its a bacterial bloom, as even nitrates according to the tests its almost nonexistent. I can off course start to invest in more expensive equipment, (UV steriliser, algol, and various water clarifires) but will it be another waste of money?
I was advised to cover tank with a dark blanket for 72 hours and see if that would help.(if it is an algae bloom) I am just starting to loose all my hopes, and next purchase probably will be an industrial size hammer, to smash everything up. :mad:


Active Member
Hi and welcome to the boards. I think I read most of what was said and I don't think a saw anything on filter media. Are you using any? I use PURA pads and Chemi-Pure which seem to work for me. It seems like some good filter media may help clear the water.


Originally Posted by mrdc
Hi and welcome to the boards. I think I read most of what was said and I don't think a saw anything on filter media. Are you using any? I use PURA pads and Chemi-Pure which seem to work for me. It seems like some good filter media may help clear the water.
Apart with of the various filter pads which came with the canister filters, I ve also added Polyfilter pads, Bio Chem Zorb, Activated carbon (4 bags of it) and ceramic rings. I just about managed to put motor lid of my canisters filters, because I stuffed it with so many filter media. LOL


Active Member
I can only say that I had a similar problem a long time ago when I setup a freshwater aquarium. I did not wash the ornamental rocks nor the bedrocks. The rocks continued to leach out junk (clouding up the water) even after several water changes. I ended up yanking the fish out and take everything out and washed it down. Problem solved after that. I know that's not something you would want to do and you said you washed your stuff down first.


Originally Posted by My Way
I bet a diatom filter would clear that up fast.
Yes, I did read about this DE filters (diatomaceous earth). When I asked about it in my local Aquatic centre (the largest in my area) they were looking on me with square eyes, and no idea what I am on about. I even showed it in the " The Conscientious marine Aquarius" book which I got few days ago,
I've researched net extensively and still could not find anybody who can supply this stuff in UK. :(


Originally Posted by mrdc
I can only say that I had a similar problem a long time ago when I setup a freshwater aquarium. I did not wash the ornamental rocks nor the bedrocks. The rocks continued to leach out junk (clouding up the water) even after several water changes. I ended up yanking the fish out and take everything out and washed it down. Problem solved after that. I know that's not something you would want to do and you said you washed your stuff down first.
Yes, I did washed all my sand and decorations (apart of LR) as properly as possible. As I said before, my water was crystal clear for about fortnight, before its started slowly to deteriorate.
I have freshwater tank also, and water as clear as tear there! (even though its quite overstocked, but not a single fish death for a last 9 months)
Please don't be annoyed, that I am keeping to bring this topic on the top, As, I said, I am MEGA desperate, so even any little suggestions from somebody who had similar experience might help. I really don't want to give up!


New Member
Olga, Something I read in a way earlier post from you but didn't read anyone responding to is that you cleaned your filter. I'm not sure how you cleaned it but with tank salt water be sure to rinse it only in salt water you don't want to rinse with freshwater as you will rinse out some of the beneficial bacteria. You may know this and I apologize if I'm repeating something you already know.


depending on what kind of filter, i throw the old away and replace with new....and if the system is big..with a fuge or what not, what little bacteria is caught in the net wont make a differance.