I am mad!!!


Active Member
Tell me if i should be.
I bought a $100 rock that had many shrooms and leathers on it from my LFS. When I placed it in my tank everything was dead.
(I posted this last night).
Anyhow, I thought the temp of the water might have done this.
This morning I decided to test the LFS's SG that the rock was transported in. NOTHING! Plain ROwater with no salt!
Sorry but I am mad as he##!
Transporting the rock like this would defenately kill the rock, RIGHT? I need some backup for when I see my LFS tomarrow.


Active Member
I am no expert but I would think that RO water would kill the mushrooms.
Just wanted to give you a bump.


Ro water is deviod of ALL minerals.
Well you just might have something DAD. RO, again is devoid of all minerals that everthing needs to exist. Thats why we as SWF people need to check and adjust our water because nothing can live in RO water, thats why it is RO because you start from scratch, no minerals or vits in the RO water. Just check your test kits. Jeeze, anyone could have told you this


Mad Dad,
I would be fired up myself. I have never heard of anyone transporting corals in freshwater. Keep the water it came in and see how on Earth those weasels will defend themselves.


Yes, that would be an osmotic nightmare for those corals. How the hell did the LFS manage to do that? The ones I buy from take water right out of the tanks they are harvesting teh corals from. Strange.


Active Member
That is awful! Since you tested the water, did you keep it? Maybe you could prove it that way. Also, since I live near you I would like to know what lfs did this to you so I can avoid them. It's been a while since I've seen you on the board and I can't remember exactly where you live or shop. If you don't want to put the lfs on here, could you email it to me. I defiantely don't want to make the mistake of shopping there. Good luck on getting your money back.:(


Active Member
The shrooms and all corals on the rock will die in FW but the bacteria will probably be OK.


Active Member
The LFS has a new guy working there. He went into a back room and got a five gallon bucket with what I thought was fresh salt water. I still have the water in the bucket.
The owner will understand I think and give me my money back.
I really wanted that rock though, :(
I wish I had taken a pic before and after. Very sad. Very.


Whats your deal dindi?
That sucks dad. How is your relationship with the store owner? I don't know if i would have noticed it at the time but looking at the situation taking water from the back even if it was sw could have put the stuff into shock or something. Well if you go there often enough and they know you it may be easier to get them to refund it for you. Hope it works out because i know i'd be pissed.


Active Member
I would be fuming, my blood pressure would be high enough to break blow out one of those mackines at teh mall.
I would not even wait til tomorrow($100 is a lot and that really sux)
If they were open today, I would have been waiting for them to open up, and if not, I probably would have been looking for the owner. Admittedly, a loss is a loss, but this is GROSS NEGLIGENCE here, and that is what would steam me up.
I grieve for you and hope you the best of luck tomorrow.


Active Member
Yep it sucks, they do not open until tuesday and it is a 1 1/2 hour drive for me to get there!
Maybe I will calm down by then but I dought it, ;)


Active Member
so we finally foudn the culprit. sorry to hear about that, that is just plain stupid! i wish the best of luck to ya! man some people huh? crazy


Active Member
Yep, never would I have emagined this. I am glad I saved the water and tested it. I would have gave it up to bad luck and almost gave up the hobbie. Was really depressed. Still am in a way. Thanks for all the help, ;) Sorry I didn't test it last night.


Active Member
you were right not to, you would assume that they would have placed it in sw. heck now that i think about it, i never test the water that i get my stuff in and frankly would be worried if i needed to !


Active Member
man, you should do a drive-by and throw that rock through the store window with a note, **ck you guys im going to get all of you for what you have done to this 100 dollar rock
just demand a new piece of rock twice the size of the one you had and get a large discount on every thing you buy from now on


Had to bump this, because I wanted to see what happens tomorrow. Are you gonna call them, dad?
ps. make them pay for your gas and food on the trip, too!!


Active Member
That's just about as messed up as it gets dad !
Unfreak'n~believable :mad:
Go open up a can of whoop-ass on that store owner.
I wouldn't even mess with the clerk that waited on you.
What a shame.


:( that's a bummer DAD, it stinks!! i guess
the lesson learned is never assume the
person helping you knows what their doing.
the bucket of water not from the tank the
rock was in, should have set off some
warning bells though, live and learn.


Active Member
The rest of the story: I had a 20g tank that I placed the new rock in(with the unknown freshwater) so I could judge it so I could make a dicision on where to place it in my tank.
I took out several of my rocks and placed them in there for holding so I could place the new rock.
Get the picture?
Now I have lost almost everything!
I finally got ahold of my LFS and he said he would give me my money make on the rock...WOW!!!
I drove over 180 miles, spent over 7 hours of my time, and lost 1/2 my tank. And now he wants me to drive the 180 miles again to get my $100 back?
I am sorry but i estemate that I lost over $500 worth of corals etc.
My tank's nitrates are high as he## and looks like sh#t!
This is a sad day/week for me.
I spend a $100 and end up with a $100 tank.
Yes I am still MAD!
I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else, ;)