I am now a reef keeper! First Coral Purchases today!!


Today I bought my first coral/reef!
I purchased some xenia and frag spawn aka octupus frag!
It is doing well.. So far all of the xenia are doing well except one, hopefully he will turn around and perk up.. The claw like motions of the xenia is awesome!
One kept falling out of the rocks! I look forward to learning a lot from this thread and purchasing more coral to add to my 150 gallon.
If any of you have any suggestions as to what else to start out with, i'm open to all suggestions!


Thanks! one of the xenia looks pretty ill, hopefully the light will turn him around.. there is minimal movement... but i'm not taking him out until i know forsure he is dead... MY SHARK is great! chilling in his cave not bothering anyone... just chillin..he only pokes his head out for krill.


= frag spawn
= another pic of frag.. I really like when he moves his tenacle to ward off fish when they come close... pretty cool!!
= xenia their claws RULE!!


Originally Posted by reefaholic33
You should have plenty of Xenia pretty soon....it grows like crazy. Congrats! BTW How is your shark doing?
Not always...It seems for some people it grows like weeds, and for some others (like me) it doesn't...
Originally Posted by meowzer
Not always...It seems for some people it grows like weeds, and for some others (like me) it doesn't...

Yeah true, but alot of times it takes over people's tanks....Maybe they have allergies to cats??
Originally Posted by meowzer

Oh come on, I'm not allowed to make jokes yet?

Also about your Xenia that's not looking good, I would not take it out....give it every chance esp. since it is new. I don't believe it will hurt anything if it dies away anyway.
I fragged some once and the rubber band I used to attach it to a rock broke, the xenia fell and couldn't get light for a long time, I cound it one day and placed it somewhere suitable and it took off again.



I agree about not taking it out...altho mine does NOT spread like weeds...sometimes it appears gone...then it's back

I just also found a new piece under a frogspawn
Hope it grows

small triggers

Active Member
mines growing and splitting like bamboo, i think its my green water , lol LOTS of nutrients no matter how many water changes i do. But that is why that and my mushrooms and frogspawn do so well, i am hoping my new sponge likes it in there too,,,

eric b 125

congratulations on your first coral! cant wait until my tank is ready for corals.


Originally Posted by premilove
dont u have a shark?
yea... i'm just testing the coral waters... My shark is VERYVERY timid... he stays in his cave all the time only poking his head out when I feed him krill. He doesn't bother with anything... But if he does come out one day...ehhh I guess we'll see, i'm one for an adventure..lol... That is why I only have some coral and cheap coral...haha