I am sure that this has been asked a million tmes..


New Member
I have a 29 gallon eclipse that i have kept cichlids in for years.. It has river rocks for supstrate. I have been on the fence for a few years to convert to saltwater.. Here is my ? can i leave the river rock in the bottom and just ad a ready mix and commercial chemicals to get it all right or am i going to have to ditch all the rock and decoration in the tank and buy new and start over.. Thanks in advance. sorry if i am asking a question that has already been answered..


Welcoem to SWF
I think you knew the answer.....lol....you have to ditch everything....and sanitize the tank
read teh top threads in the new hobbyist section....they will help you some
BUT for sw you need live sand, live rock....do not use river rock ever