I am using R.O. water, no phosphates or nitrates. It’s only on the sand bed but it looks awful. I am feeding once a day. The lights are on a timer for 10 hours each day. I have a HOB refugeum 4 gallon with some micro algae. The lights on the fuge are on opposite of DT. My ph is at 8.2 temp 78 ammonia zero and zero on the trates. I did have a hair algae problem in the past, switching from tap to RO water maid a huge difference. I did use a powder my lfs recommended it worked temporarily but the stuff came back. I do weekly water changes of 12 gallons. Is there anything else I can do to get rid of this cancer alga? Any other info I can provide to help with this problem? Oh I forgot my tank is a 55 gallon and I am using pc lights. My stock list is two clowns, one royal gamma, a purple fire fish and a green mandarin.