I cannot believe it has been 9 Years


Active Member
It has been since my 16 year old son was murdered in the pizzeria he worked in during a robbery.
This is a song that was created for our friend Justin Mello after learning that he was tragically murdered on Oct. 21, 2000. This song was created by a local band at the time, called Frequency 27. Frequency 27 is Nick Dutko, Carissa Nauszelski (Herhuth), Lane Marston, Matthew Potts, Aaron Ramirez, and Steve Chapoton.
You were special in your own way, we all loved you so
You will be in the hearts of us forever and ever
It happened all of a sudden with no one knowing
Things are tough and we're struggling, but we'll make it through. We know thats what you would have wanted us to do. Just remember that one day soon well meet up with you.
You were funny and you smart, thats what makes you, you
Thats why its so hard to get over you
Keep in mind that no one will ever forget you
Things are tough and were struggling, but we'll make it through. We know thats what you would have wanted us to do. Just remember that one day soon we'll meet up with you.
Without you things aren't the same, everyone misses you
We are moving on, but it will take some time
We wish that you could see all this we've done for you
Things are tough and were struggling, but we'll make it through. We know thats what you would have wanted us to do. Just remember that one day soon we'll meet up with you.
Just remember that one day soon we'll meet up with you


Active Member
Everytime I hear about your son, I get chills up my spine. I don't know how you have the strength to discuss something so painful, with such an open demeaner. My best to your family.


Active Member
Gotta be tough. I have known 2 people in my life that were murdered, neither that I was very close too and it was still pretty traumatic. I've had a brother drop dead of a heart attack at 41 and as bad as that was it wasn't the same as the murdered ones. Can't imagine how you deal with that happening to a child but it is good you can talk about it.


Active Member
ugh! So sorry.I remember reading about your loss here awhile ago. Right before I read this I was extremly p.o.'d at my teenager. (being a teenager and school issues...typical stuff) But after this......well, I just took in a deep breath and calmed down.
Hoping for brighter days for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Gotta be tough. I have known 2 people in my life that were murdered, neither that I was very close too and it was still pretty traumatic. I've had a brother drop dead of a heart attack at 41 and as bad as that was it wasn't the same as the murdered ones. Can't imagine how you deal with that happening to a child but it is good you can talk about it.

My cousin was also murdered.
I can only wish you peace.


Active Member
The loss of a child and the pain you must still feel is unimaginable for me – As crimzy said” I don't know how you have the strength to discuss something so painful,…”


Active Member
Thanx all. Kind of a tough day every year but got no choice but to get through it. Thanx for sharing my sadness today, I do appreciate it.


My condolences to you. I had a brother that was murdered in Chicago from a robbery gone bad. I never knew him since my dad and mom split right after I was born but when I found my dad and heard this, it still affected me.
I have a 16 year old daughter thats terminally ill. Its hard enought to go through each day not knowing when that time will come, but when you lose a child without warning, there is no preparation, no closure. I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you. May you find peace in your life. {HUG}


Well-Known Member
I just can't find the words...My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss, and amazed at your strength.


I wish for your comfort and peace. I honestly can't imagine what you have felt. Thank you for sharing. *hugs*


Active Member
You know how painful it is but you also know how resilient we humans are. My wife always says we will be normal again, just a new version of normal. I love her for that but it is so sad to think of it that way.
Thanx Lois.


Originally Posted by spanko
You know how painful it is but you also know how resilient we humans are. My wife always says we will be normal again, just a new version of normal. I love her for that but it is so sad to think of it that way.
Thanx Lois.
Can you explain "normal" to me


Active Member
Nope. My normal is different than yours, is different from someone else's and so on. Just that our normals have been changed by the death of a child. I have a different normal than I did when Justin was alive, sometimes sad when I think of him, sometimes I love to think back about him. That will be my new normal I suppose. Seems a little tortured doesn't it? Ah well we move on because there isn't another option that makes any sense.