I can't believe he told me to do this.


Active Member
I was at an LFS that I've never been to before yesterday. I asked them if they would take my yellow tang because it fights with my naso. This guy told me to try cutting off the yellow tangs spike. I couldn't believe he said that. I asked if he had ever done this and he said yes. Needless to say I walked out of there pretty pi$$ed off. Have you ever heard of this before?


dont mind me jumping on your post like this plz,i was wondering about your lights i was looking at getting about the same setup with MH and pc to get to about that wattage for my 90...my Q is this do u keep any harder corals to keep or any clams??i dont no weather i want 175`s or 250`s for my mh`s and was just wondering how your tank is doing on that lighting sceem


Active Member
I am keeping a clam right now and it's doing good. I went with 175's because I thought 250's would require a chiller here in the summer. 175's would be ok on your 90 for almost anything but not everything.


Slick, I have heard of people doing that before. I had the same prob with a naso and a yellow going at it. The guy at the LFS said the same thing and said that he had done it before. Decided to just bring the naso back. Do I think it is cruel?? Not necesaarily, doesn't hurt them. Just makes um realize they can't pick on anyone without there barbs. I think they do grow back. I think it is in the same category as clipping a dogs ears, tail, or nails, declawing cats, clipping birds wings etc., I do think it is a little extensive for a fish.
I find this to be a reprehensible solution.
Most animals 'professionals' (breeders, show judges, club organizers, vet/ vet techs, etc.) do not support cosmetic, convenience or behaviour modifying surgical techniques. The US is very, very behind the times. In Europe and Australia, a declawed cat or a dog with cropped ears is prohibited from shows. Yes, this includes Great Danes, Dobermans, etc. It is considered cruel and antiquated (and mutilation). If one is seen like that there, is is known to be an American import.
I cannot believe that we would go this far. In mammels, surgical modification to 'correct' a behavior problem often leads to others behavior problems and self-esteem issues. These are wild animals that depend on their god-given assests to survive. It is cruel and unnatural to take away their natural form of defense away.
Not all people get along/ belong together. Not all animals get along/ belong together. No use forcing them. Worse to mutilate them and then try to force them. Especially non-domesticated species.
I saw a pair of parrots together in a cage in Mexico. Large Parrots. One had most of its beak cut-off. Did it bite? I dont know the situation, but I am sick now to think of it.
You did the right thing to walk away.


Active Member
Gotta say, I agree that the best method is not to put fish together that are aggressive toward each other. I can't personally see altering the fish to make it "comply."
I would find it a new home first. I'm with you Slick!


Active Member
oh man thats horrible, why would anyone want to do such a cruel thing? yes i wouldnt shop their any more either


The only fish I think it is humane to do something like that to is a Stingray, and only a cownose or blue eagle (God forbid you have a blue eagle...). The barb is much like a fingernail on these, not in the sense that it grows forever, but in the sense that it does not hurt if you trim off the sharp edge. Also, you should be a professional if you are doing something like this. Don't do it unless you can REALLY do it.


You guys are entitled to your opinions, but I do think you are overreacting a little bit. You are not harming the fish. It is like trimming yours, or you cat/dogs/birds nails. You are not ripping out there barb, merely trimming it. Whether or not the fish will have a self esteem issue as a result, ummm... I am not sure, but I doubt it will cause a complex. Some dogs ears are cropped for health reason also because they are prone to ear infections. Animals are also spayes/nuetered....is this wrong? It alters there behavior, but it also reduced there chance of hip displasia, several types of cancer and other health risks. Humans are circumsized.....is that not right also??
After all that I do agree that finding a dif home is the best approach, but I wouldn't write off the LFS.


Active Member
All of your examples have health reasons attached to them. There is no health reason to trim the barb on a tang.
It may very well be a common approach...it just sounds like a bad idea. Just My Opinion.


Active Member
I would not do it personally because it is too much trouble IMO. Just take one back. I respect the opinions on this topic, but be careful about it. I would not go so far as to say that the US is way behind because we alter our pets. On the contrary, we are slightly ahead in most areas of development and advancement (as a general trend - not everything of coarse). I've got a leather couch and an ocicat (awesome cats, they act exactly like a dog, I swear!). He is declawed because I don't want my furniture destroyed. does he care at this point? No. I know it hurt when the vet clipped him though, but that is the sacrifice of keeping pets or whatever. It really is a matter of scale. Some may argue that keeping wild caught reef inhabitants in a confined system is cruel. As a scientist, I have a tremendous level of respect for my natural environment. As a human being, I also enjoy the comforts of controlling at least a portion of my little world and life. Therefore, I'll keep and love my declawed cat and reef tank because I love them and try my best to care for them properly. Some may think it is cruel, but if we break it down, human beings by nature are not very sensitive to anything but themselves.


If you think about it, humans aren't free either... We can't do what we want to do, we have this money stuff. This is why communism is such a great idea in theory, but it doesn't work with human beings... Greed destroys all!
saltyrich I agree with u on this topic.
"Why dont we just stop having pets? I think theyd like it out in the wild better anyways!"
Alot of people aren't serious enough to realize that we (most of us) are keeping pets for OUR SOLE amusement, interest etc. I could go much deeper into this argument but I dont want to get anyone offended :p .
they have been breeded manipulatively and been made domestic animals. i know hunters have had dogs for hundreds of years, but that is not the main reason why there are so many people with dogs as pets.


Active Member
Well now that I've read all this I understand a few more things. I wasn't aware that the barb was like a fingernail. I'm still not going to clip it but now it dosen't seem that bad to clip if nessacary.