i couldn't believe my eyes


there i was ready to add my new additions to my tank
a trohus shell
2 turbos
a sexy shrimp
and a black and pink cucumber,
it has 2 three stripe damsels in it already
i added the snails...... done
i added the trohus........done
i added the cucumber.......done
i added the shrimp........gone
before the poor little thing even got to touch down on rock... it was swallowed whole.
the damsels will be deported from the wonderful land of craigs tank due to acts of terrorism.
i liked damsels........... now i despise them.
anyone else had the same type of thing happen to them?


Active Member
Well I am sorry for the loss. This how I add new arrivals:
1. acclimate them properly
2. feed the tank
3. turn the tank lights off
4. waiting a little bit of time (say during the acclimation period) for the older occupants to get sleepy/find their night spots
5. add new arrivals


Active Member
I can't stand damsels... IMO, Green Chromis are the only ones worth keeping and only in small schools.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Well I am sorry for the loss. This how I add new arrivals:
1. acclimate them properly
2. feed the tank
3. turn the tank lights off
4. waiting a little bit of time (say during the acclimation period) for the older occupants to get sleepy/find their night spots
5. add new arrivals

+1 to that


Ya Damsels should not be in a none aggressive tank.
They are cute and bullet proof (but not noob proof ) and they are super super aggressive. They are like little army ants very small but can kill giant things.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Sly
I can't stand damsels... IMO, Green Chromis are the only ones worth keeping and only in small schools.
I think Clownfish are worthwhile as well.


thats the thing. i did leave the lights off etc....... only thing is i didnt feed them.
seeing as how i want a reef tank they have to go.
i'm going to try the bottle trap method and see how i go


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I think Clownfish are worthwhile as well.
Definitely agreed

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I think Clownfish are worthwhile as well.
True... I keep forgetting they are damsels.


Active Member
I still dont see why you would hate damsels over that. eating a small shrimp is irrelavent and a total seperate issue from aggression. even the so called docile wrasses and more fish than not would do the same thing epecially small sexy shrimp dropped in from the top just like probably any other meal. if it was small enough to be devowered before touching the bottom I dont see the problem. How is that different than dropping in live mysis, ghost shrimp or any other tasty crustascean? Aggression is when you pick on something instinctually or for territorial reasons, what they did is called eating!
Its no secret damsels are aggressive yet people buy them anyway because they are hardy and $5 each. people dont get mad at dottybacks or lunare and bird wrasse which are just as aggressive for being themselves. Damsels are perfectly safe for shrimp that arent meal size and bother nothing in a reef system besides other fish. clowns arent immune to being bully's either. when I had a false perc and a damsel the clown bullied the damsel for a full year til the damsel flipped the script on him.


the reason i got mad is because the damsels cost me $10 each and the shrimp cost me $15....
an expensive meal wouldnt you say
and i guess it just shows that they are NOT going to be nice to my reef when i get it done lol


i found the sexy shrimp tonight, he wasnt eaten after all (unless its his ghost :scared: )
i must have ducked away at the last second.
i'm a happy boy