i dont know what to do....advice?

Originally Posted by armywife1314
there are s.ex offenders on post that are soldiers as well, there are some in my husbands unit. my son is not sheltered too much, just the normal amount, ive taught him not to talk to strangers and that is a, no the best way to raise a child IMO. i have made complaints against the frg but the frg leader is the unit commanders wife so you can imagine how far the complaint goes.
Could this be where your s.ex offender comments are coming from?
How long has your husband been in the Army and is this his first deployment?
Once again I am now downplaying your situation, just trying to help...
One of the worst feelings a deployed soldier can feel is when there is a problem at home and they can not be there to help. Trust me I know!
I dont want to sound callous, but your husband needs to focus on his unit's mission. Every time you request for him to come home, he has too speak with everyone
in his Chain of Command...
. Reassuring your husband you can "survive" without him will help him as well as you...
Ft Hood is NOT
full of s.ex offenders and there is PLENTY of certified childcare providers. Find 2 or 3 reliable childcare providers that you can use when you need one. Volunteer at one of the on post facilities (ACS, MWR...).
Even better, volunteer to be a FRG member and make a change. Call EVERYONE on the FRG list and introduce yourself, offer to swap babysitter duties, set up play dates with your childen, go out and eat lunch with a few of them. Believe me, you are not the only one having issues while your husband's unit is deployed. I am willing to bet 70% of the other spouses on the FRG list will tell you they are having "issues".
Keep your head up...


Active Member
If I were you and refusing to use the day care options available for you, I'd hire a private nurse or nanny. I remember seeing you posted somewhere that you are a trust fund child and parents are well off. It should not be a problem to hire a nurse/nanny/mother's helper. Instead of wasting your energy on finding reasons why not to use any of the offered help, you need to use that energy on your son and your unborn child.

nano reefer

Active Member
turn on that show "Army Wives", and laugh at how un-serious they portray the role of being an army wife. its like a soap opera army wife style. i cant imagine being an army wife being as easy as they show it on that show.
i hope things get better!


i read your post/question yesterday but didn't reply.... which is hard for me, lol. but it kinda ate at me all night and when i told my wife about it she said i should give my two cents so to speak. first off let me say i/we really feel for you and you will be in our thoughts. (we dont pray ) dont know where your located were in Ohio and if possible you can stay with us, really. it's amazing to me how your husband can go to a foreign country and put his life on the line for our government but on the other hand the government wont help his family back home. if i were him i would tell my superiors if you cant help my wife, then im going home to take care of her, period. if you lose the baby it's thier fault, IMO. you should be getting the best treatment and help this country has to offer, a nurse and nanny/maid should be provided for you. if you were the wife of a senator or congressman you would have such help. if they cant help you then he should do everything in his power to get back home including going AWOL, i would! it's god, family, country. and he married you not the army. dont get me wrong im not blaming him im blaming the government and the military for your hardships. i cant imagine what he must be going through. you are like thousands of others, who have sacrificed for this country only to be crapped on when you need them the most. good luck, and if there is anything we can do for you just ask? sincerely mr & mrs B
update: i have to have surgery to remove my gallbladder in 2 weeks. with a 6 week nothing over 10 pound recovery time. im a high risk pregnancy as it is. they have sent my husband home during this time, after finally talking to the head physician of the unit and letters from my ob/gyn and surgeon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
update: i have to have surgery to remove my gallbladder in 2 weeks. with a 6 week nothing over 10 pound recovery time. im a high risk pregnancy as it is. they have sent my husband home during this time, after finally talking to the head physician of the unit and letters from my ob/gyn and surgeon.
Glad your husband is with you.


Active Member
Very happy to hear your husband got home safe and is able to be with you.
Also, tell him thanks, for putting his neck out there, for the rest of us.