I dropped a Utility Blade in my 210, Help Please

bang guy

It will just slowly oxidize. There's more than Iron in steel but nothing that will cause harm in small quantities. I wouldn't encourage it but I wouldn't worry about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
No disrespect. I have been running a S/S custom kitchen equipment shop for 22 years now. We'll get into the S/S nickel content different types later. Let's find a razor blade.
Alright, a fellow tin knocker. Agreed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
I dont think its stainless, actually pretty sure of that. They rust very fast if I leave them out.
More than likely carbon steel then. As previously posted, your 210 might handle any influx. But IMHO, I personally wouldn't take the chance with what all is invested.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
No disrespect. I have been running a S/S custom kitchen equipment shop for 22 years now. We'll get into the S/S nickel content different types later. Let's find a razor blade.

i am sure you have come across more ss than i have in that business i do construction on the beach and have never come across any ss product that is magnetic


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It will just slowly oxidize. There's more than Iron in steel but nothing that will cause harm in small quantities. I wouldn't encourage it but I wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks Bang Guy.... I have heard of copper pennys causing some serious problems in reef tanks and havent heard if steel would do the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
i am sure you have come across more ss than i have in that business i do construction on the beach and have never come across any ss product that is magnetic
# 400 series. Less nickle content. Magnet will stick to it.
In retrospect, coral reefs are started on boat and plane wrecks. Metal. Sure it's a grander scale of water, but....


too bad you cant possess(sp?) one of your hermits and go searching around your tank for it!! that would be fun..
seriously though i would be wary of extraction.. or cautious i should say.. what if the magnet is strong and the blade moves fast and cuts a tank mate?

good luck though.. i'm sure it will all work out fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by frozenguy
too bad you cant possess(sp?) one of your hermits and go searching around your tank for it!! that would be fun..
yea right


Active Member
I think someone already mentioned it but, iron oxide is used as phosphate removal media and is considered reef safe so I wouldn't worry about the rust. You might want to try to get it out so that down the road when you decide to move things around you don't slice your hand open. I think the magnet idea is your best choice.


Active Member
I hope none of your fish run into the blade tryin to get through the rocks and injures themselves....or is it in a spot wherethe fish won't get to


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
I hope none of your fish run into the blade tryin to get through the rocks and injures themselves....or is it in a spot wherethe fish won't get to

oh wow I never thought of that


Originally Posted by efishnsea
Thanks Bang Guy.... I have heard of copper pennys causing some serious problems in reef tanks and havent heard if steel would do the same.
Ya thats because its copper... also i dont think the blade will rust because it it completely submerged. Rust is Iron reacting to Oxygen the oxygen in the tank wont react cause its dissolved. I believe this to be true but its been a year since chemistry... either way i would not worry about it


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
oh wow I never thought of that
Well didn't mean to cause any further alarm, I just didn't see any mention of the fish at all. knowI wouldn't want to see a scarred up fish in a nice 210...
Good luck with whatever you choose to do about the razor.


Active Member
hey james-
worst case scenario - i will work for frags to help you break down that behemouth tank of yours

bang guy

Originally Posted by BexleyFish
Ya thats because its copper... also i dont think the blade will rust because it it completely submerged. Rust is Iron reacting to Oxygen the oxygen in the tank wont react cause its dissolved. I believe this to be true but its been a year since chemistry... either way i would not worry about it
In my experience even a stainless steel surgical blade with rust fairly quickly in a saltwater aquarium. I'm sure the speed of oxidation depends on the quality of the steel but in my case it was nearly unrecognizable in less than a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
hey james-
worst case scenario - i will work for frags to help you break down that behemouth tank of yours

I'd help too if you need another set of hands.


Active Member
in your 210 I doubt you'd see the impact at all unless it fell close to a sensitive organism. just use a metal detoxifier for the next couple weeks if your worried. I've dropped them in my old 45ghigh that I used to have then find them after a week or two all rusted out but nothing died during that period.
chelated and non chelated are two different forms of iron found in water, one is more toxic than the other a metal detoxifier will chelate the iron being released into your aquarium making it safer (not totally harmless but utilizable)and a very good fertilizer for algae (both the symbiotic kind in your corals and the nuiscance kind)