Hello everyone ! Hope all is well. I have my 175 running for about 8 months. With 170 lbs of live rock, a 30 gal Wet/Dry Refugium,Bermuda skimmer and UV. Since the tank started I've been battling high nitrates. After removing the bio balls, adding cheato and finally doing the right water changes, the tank has been stable for two months. The past two weeks I've loss a porcupine puffer last week and last night another porcupine puffer and a kole tang. I think a figured it out. It looks like when I am doing the acclimation for about 3 hours, the tank temperture and the water that goes into the bucket for the acclimation doesn't add up. The tank water is about 80, and the water going into the bucket seems very cold. So after the acclimation, and releasing the fish into the tank they go into a shock,breathing heavy and don't make the night. So my question is, how can I maintain the same temp for the acclimation process -? BTW, I don't have any draft or breeze over the bucket I use for acclimation. Any help would be great, thank you !