I get tired of hearing this! Rant!


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CIA can't rule out WMD move to Syria
By Rowan Scarborough
The CIA's chief weapons inspector said he cannot rule out the possibility that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were secretly shipped to Syria before the March 2003 invasion, citing "sufficiently credible" evidence that WMDs may have been moved there.
Inspector Charles Duelfer, who heads the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), made the findings in an addendum to his final report filed last year. He said the search for WMD in Iraq -- the main reason President Bush went to war to oust Saddam Hussein -- has been exhausted without finding such weapons. Iraq had stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons in the early 1990s.
But on the question of Syria, Mr. Duelfer did not close the books. "ISG was unable to complete its investigation and is unable to rule out the possibility that WMD was evacuated to Syria before the war," Mr. Duelfer said in a report posted on the CIA's Web site Monday night.
He cited some evidence of a transfer. "Whether Syria received military items from Iraq for safekeeping or other reasons has yet to be determined," he said. "There was evidence of a discussion of possible WMD collaboration initiated by a Syrian security officer, and ISG received information about movement of material out of Iraq, including the possibility that WMD was involved. In the judgment of the working group, these reports were sufficiently credible to merit further investigation."
But Mr. Duelfer said he was unable to complete that aspect of the probe because "the declining security situation limited and finally halted this investigation. The results remain inconclusive, but further investigation may be undertaken when circumstances on the ground improve."......................................................................
"Nevertheless," the inspector said, "given the insular and compartmented nature of the regime, ISG analysts believed there was enough evidence to merit further investigation."
He said that even if all leads are pursued someday, the ISG may never be able to finally determine whether WMDs were taken across the border. "Based on the evidence available at present, ISG judged that it was unlikely that an official transfer of WMD material from Iraq to Syria took place," his report stated. "However, ISG was unable to rule out unofficial movement of limited WMD-related materials."
Speculation on WMDs in Syria was fueled by the fact that satellite images picked up long lines of trucks waiting to cross the border into Syria before the coalition launched the invasion. Mr. Duelfer previously had reported that Syria was a major conduit for materials entering Iraq that were banned by the United Nations.
Saddam placed such importance on illicit trade with Syria that he dispatched Iraqi Intelligence Service agents to various border crossings to supervise border agents, and, in some cases, to shoo them away, senior officials told The Washington Times last year.
Today, U.S. officials charge that Syria continues to harbor Saddam loyalists who are directing and financing the insurgency in Iraq. The Iraq-Syria relationship between two Ba'athist socialist regimes has further encouraged speculation of weapons transfers.
Several senior U.S. officials have said since the invasion that they thought WMD went to Syria.
Retired Marine Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong, the deputy commander of U.S. Central Command during the war, said in his book, "Inside CentCom," that intelligence reports pointed to WMD movement into Syria.
In October, John A. Shaw, then the deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, told The Times that Russian special forces and intelligence troops worked with Saddam's intelligence service to move weapons and material to Syria, Lebanon and possibly Iran.
"The organized effort was done in advance of the conflict," he said.


Active Member
On Dec. 24, 2002, nearly three months before fighting in Iraq began, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon accused Saddam Hussein's regime of transferring key materials for his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs to Syria in convoys of 18-wheel trucks to hide them from U.N. weapons inspectors. "There is information we are verifying, but we are certain that Iraq has recently moved chemical or biological weapons into Syria," Sharon told Channel Two television in Israel.
In May 2003, just as major combat operations in Iraq were winding down, new reports surfaced in Israel, this time alleging that convoys of Iraqi water tankers carrying WMD components crossed the border into Syria repeatedly between Jan. 10 and March 10. The tankers reportedly were met by Syrian special forces and escorted to the heroin poppy fields of a Syrian-controlled area in Lebanon's Bekáa Valley, where their contents were dumped into specially prepared pits and buried. Again, INR discounted the reports, U.S. officials tell Insight.
This January, after he returned to Washington from Iraq, where for six months he had served as the CIA's top gun with the Iraq Survey Group hunting for Saddam's banned weapons, David Kay said he had uncovered evidence that weapons material had been moved to Syria shortly before the war. "We are not talking about a large stockpile of weapons," he told the Sunday Telegraph in London. "But we know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD program. Precisely what went to Syria, and what has happened to it, is a major issue that needs to be resolved."
Reports of Iraqi WMD winding up in Syria were not just coming from the Israelis. In October 2003, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, head of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, revealed that vehicle traffic photographed by U.S. spy satellites indicated that material and documents related to Saddam's forbidden WMD programs had been shipped to Syria before the war. It was no surprise that the United States and its allies had not found stockpiles of forbidden weapons in Iraq, Clapper told a breakfast briefing given to reporters in Washington. "Those below the senior leadership saw what was coming, and I think they went to extraordinary lengths to dispose of the evidence," he said.
Another piece of this puzzle was provided by a Syrian intelligence officer in letters smuggled to an antiregime activist living in

named Nizar Nayouf. In one letter the source identified three locations in Syria where WMD materials had been buried under an agreement between the Syrian and Iraqi leadership. Two of the sites were specially dug underground bunkers and tunnels. The third site was a factory operated by the Syrian air force in the village of Tal Sinan, located between the cities of Hama and Salimiyyah. In a follow-up letter dated Jan. 7, Nayouf's source provided more details on these locations, along with a map, and alleged that some of the weapons had been moved out of Iraq in ambulances.


That's right, no one died when Clinton lied.
Scuba, you may think that the rest of have as much time to cut and paste information as you do, but WE DON'T. Anyone can find any type of information to back up a conservative or a liberal side. Why bother? That's all SPIN. The truth of the matter is, we were not popular with all because of the treatment and interferance in their lives. We trade with China when they mutilate and kill baby girls because of their ---. We allow them favored nation status even though they rank pretty low a favorite nation list. It's all politics, and people are SICK TO DEATH of being lied to. Everyone needs to quit the spin and talk YOUR OPINION. Not the spin doctors. No one has the time nor the inclination to read five or more pages of spin. There were no weapons of mass destruction. It was another lie told so that we would engage in war.


Active Member
Bill Clinton..yes, it was safer back then.....
"I can tell you that the decisions we made, we made because we thought they were in the interests of the American people,"--Bill Clinton, on being asked why he signed waivers, against the Pentagon's protest, to sell Loral missile guidance systems technology to Communist China, enabling China for the first time to launch nuclear weapons.
(May 18, 1998 edition of the Washington Times, front page)
Oh. Risking National security is in our best interest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquarium1
That's right, no one died when Clinton lied.
Scuba, you may think that the rest of have as much time to cut and paste information as you do, but WE DON'T. Anyone can find any type of information to back up a conservative or a liberal side. Why bother? That's all SPIN. The truth of the matter is, we were not popular with all because of the treatment and interferance in their lives. We trade with China when they mutilate and kill baby girls because of their ---. We allow them favored nation status even though they rank pretty low a favorite nation list. It's all politics, and people are SICK TO DEATH of being lied to. Everyone needs to quit the spin and talk YOUR OPINION. Not the spin doctors. No one has the time nor the inclination to read five or more pages of spin. There were no weapons of mass destruction. It was another lie told so that we would engage in war.
Drink the Kool Aid


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquarium1
That's right, no one died when Clinton lied.
Scuba, you may think that the rest of have as much time to cut and paste information as you do, but WE DON'T. Anyone can find any type of information to back up a conservative or a liberal side. Why bother? That's all SPIN. The truth of the matter is, we were not popular with all because of the treatment and interferance in their lives. We trade with China when they mutilate and kill baby girls because of their ---. We allow them favored nation status even though they rank pretty low a favorite nation list. It's all politics, and people are SICK TO DEATH of being lied to. Everyone needs to quit the spin and talk YOUR OPINION. Not the spin doctors. No one has the time nor the inclination to read five or more pages of spin. There were no weapons of mass destruction. It was another lie told so that we would engage in war.
Opinions are usually informed...or based on hot air ..............so lets see something regarding the listing of nations you stated earlier...come on you can do it. . I have already shown you what Clinton did regarding China.......is that how you propose we make "friends"?
So, your point regarding China did not exist during the Clinton years? And what the hell did he allow to be sold to them despite the yelling and screaming from the Pentagon? Did this make the world "safer" as you put it earlier...it was safer under CLinton?
Opinions are based on reviewing ALL information.......not simply listening and following blindly .to the Kool Aid table.
I have stated in other threads that Bush has fialed in other areas....but the War on Terror is correct...my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquarium1
That's right, no one died when Clinton lied.
Scuba, you may think that the rest of have as much time to cut and paste information as you do, but WE DON'T. Anyone can find any type of information to back up a conservative or a liberal side. Why bother? That's all SPIN. The truth of the matter is, we were not popular with all because of the treatment and interferance in their lives. We trade with China when they mutilate and kill baby girls because of their ---. We allow them favored nation status even though they rank pretty low a favorite nation list. It's all politics, and people are SICK TO DEATH of being lied to. Everyone needs to quit the spin and talk YOUR OPINION. Not the spin doctors. No one has the time nor the inclination to read five or more pages of spin. There were no weapons of mass destruction. It was another lie told so that we would engage in war.
Scuba and darth are like the boy who cried wolfe, after awhile you just have to say " there goes scuba or darth, crying wolfe again."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aquarium1
That's right, no one died when Clinton lied.
Scuba, you may think that the rest of have as much time to cut and paste information as you do, but WE DON'T. Anyone can find any type of information to back up a conservative or a liberal side. Why bother? That's all SPIN. The truth of the matter is, we were not popular with all because of the treatment and interferance in their lives. We trade with China when they mutilate and kill baby girls because of their ---. We allow them favored nation status even though they rank pretty low a favorite nation list. It's all politics, and people are SICK TO DEATH of being lied to. Everyone needs to quit the spin and talk YOUR OPINION. Not the spin doctors. No one has the time nor the inclination to read five or more pages of spin. There were no weapons of mass destruction. It was another lie told so that we would engage in war.
So you totally dismiss that the WMD were moved to Syria prior to the invasion. Further...it is your position that ALL the individuals and government officials that state this are wrong and they are misleading the international community? The reports i have posted here are just a sample.....there is even reports from former weapons inspectors as well as others.
The White House probably will not scream this position based on they do not have the smoking guns in US possession. And the Spin as you call it would be this is yet another ploy by the president...which is why IMO...they are not making this an "official" postion.
IT is my position they were moved....based on all the reports and even liberal opinions in the late 90's regarding their existence.. Where did they go? TO SYRIA!!!! If not...were the liberals being wreckless with the truth in 1998?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Aquarium1
That's right, no one died when Clinton lied.
Scuba, you may think that the rest of have as much time to cut and paste information as you do, but WE DON'T. .....
Classic... "I don't have to research or back up my postion with facts".
Clinton lied... How about those marines in Somalia? How about those workers in a Sudanese Aspirin factory?
If Clinton made us so many friends, why is it we were repeatedly attacked by terrorists under his regime


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Scuba and darth are like the boy who cried wolfe, after awhile you just have to say " there goes scuba or darth, crying wolfe again."
I'm just anlayzing ALL the information dating back to the fisrt Gulf War to the present and formulating an opinion.........not simply walking up to the stand and drinking the Kool Aid being served.


Active Member
Still in the Kool AId line?
A senior Syrian journalist reports Iraq WMD located in three Syrian sites
06 January, 2004
Nizar Nayuf (Nayyouf-Nayyuf), a Syrian journalist who recently defected from Syria to Western Europe and is known for bravely challenging the Syrian regime, said in a letter Monday, January 5, to Dutch newspaper “De Telegraaf,” that he knows the three sites where Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are kept. The storage places are:
-1- Tunnels dug under the town of al-Baida near the city of Hama in northern Syria. These tunnels are an integral part of an underground factory, built by the North Koreans, for producing Syrian Scud missiles. Iraqi chemical weapons and long-range missiles are stored in these tunnels.
-2- The village of Tal Snan, north of the town of Salamija, where there is a big Syrian air force camp. Vital parts of Iraq's WMD are stored there.
-3-. The city of Sjinsjar on the Syrian border with the Lebanon, south of Homs city.
Nayouf writes that the transfer of Iraqi WMD to Syria was organized by the commanders of Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard, including General Shalish, with the help of Assif Shoakat , Bashar Assad's cousin. Shoakat is the CEO of Bhaha, an import/export company owned by the Assad family.
In February 2003, a month before America's invasion in Iraq, very few are aware about the efforts to bring the Weapons of Mass Destruction from Iraq to Syria, and the personal involvement of Bashar Assad and his family in the operation.
Nayouf, who has won prizes for journalistic integrity, says he wrote his letter because he has terminal cancer.


Thanks Dogstar, figured that one out already.
Heheeheh. I don't drink kool aid. As I pointed out, the cut and paste king can find any "facts" to back up his position, that doesn't make it real. There is spin on both sides and wading through the Bush^t would belots of fun for him.

I think there is no real conversation with such a person, his mind is closed and he'll never listen or truly read or understand what is printed unless is supports his view.
I always have so much fun when reading up on Bush^t. He's so articulate.

I'd like for him to paste a bunch of Bush^t so we can see his ideal president at work. Everyone has trouble getting words out now and then, but when you are in the public eye and giving speeches written by those who know more than you, you should give a bit of practise to the delivery of such. Bush has a bit of a problem in that area.

I suppose his koolaid choice was a bit stronger than everyone elses during college.


Active Member
I know. you seem new to the boards, welcome BTW, and have allready figured it out.
I respect everyones right to post what they wish but it does get old. Esp. people who dont reconize that there is often two sides to every story and that there are free thinking people that feel/think differently and often dont quite see things as one way or the other, left or right.
Dont get me wrong, I have often promoted free speech here myself, and most are respectfull in their threads. Its just whats wrong with the Country IMO. too damn divided on everything.
Many flavors of kool-aid.


Active Member
One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side," or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly."
The phrase can also be used in the opposite sense to indicate that one has blindly embraced a particular philosophy or perspective (a "Kool-Aid drinker"). This usage is generally limited to those in or commenting on United States politics, but also appears in discussions on computer technology, where a technology creator may "drink their own Kool-


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
"Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly."
And thats my point, " THEY " = The Gov., talking heads on CNN or Fox, " you, me ", the internet, many kool-aid stands every where serving their favorite flavor of the day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
And thats my point, " THEY " = The Gov., talking heads on CNN or Fox, " you, me ", the internet, many kool-aid stands every where serving their favorite flavor of the day.
Keep drinking instead of thinking.