Originally Posted by
My point, The Thinking.... A mistake....one of many IMO.
Iran, right, and Korea, right, so why are we waisting time, money and lives in Iraq? Right. True threats even befor Iraq, and what are we doing about them, what have we done about them? Nothing, Why, Do we even have a military left to do anything. I dont know. Will we accomplish the mission as fast as we did in Iraq. I dont think so now. JMO
Oh wait, are you saying Iraq gave all that sh** to Iran ?

Actually, there have been reports that some went in that direction..although my opinion is that they did not. it is more logical that some made there way to Syria. For the record, Tierney has some questionable behavior...I'll leave it to you to do your homework if you so choose....but I have never heard of his accounts being termed 100% false...but I do not read everything so it could be out there.
As I look back at the Saddam regime...it is simply difficult for me to accept that he had conformed and simply destroyed his weapons and no longer had them. It does make sense to me that he would logically move them, hide them or destroy them prior to the invasion.
Here we sit as a country divided......what have we won? If you ask me...the WMD have caused for more harm here at home. They have hit us hard here at home ...yet not one explosion have we heard on our soil.
Like I have said before on many threads here and thoughout the community I live in...the enemy knows us better than we know ourselves...and we are allowing them to beat us.
That is my opinion...right or wrong...I beleive it and so is the following .....we are far weaker today then we were several years ago regarding the war on terror.......did some country drop a nuke here at home? Sure feels that way.......the smoke must be clouding the vision of many
I beleive we will simply have to wait for the next body count here at home for us to become strong and united once again . .....and then we will fall asleep once again.
We are predictable.... which makes winning a non-conventional war easier for the enemy.
Lets start fighting wars to win..and stop all the nicey bullcrap.........time to pickup the Louisville Slugger..and play some Homerun Derby.
The message should be sent...those that stand with us we thank...those that harbor, finance and aid our enemies we are coming...those that wish to remain neutral stay out of the way.......here is the clock......here is the bat....the clock has just struck midnight First Inning..... Batter-Up
These are my convictions since 9/11....I'll not change......as the enemy will remain steadfast to their "cause"...so we must as well.