Originally Posted by
NVMYCJ http:///t/389462/i-give-up#post_3442259
I don't know what the hell to do about my Cyano blooms!
Within MINUTES of turning on my PC's, it shows up on my rock. I mean, in MINUTES!!!
So, I've been running my tank with only my actinics. What is going on?!?!?
The cyano is not caused by the lights, it's caused from too many nutrients in the water. overfeeding, not enough water current, and using tap water, all contribute to it. You have phosphates or it couldn't survive. If you get rid of the food it feeds on, you get rid of the bacteria.
Water changes....Increase the water flow to make sure all areas have enough water movement, do not overfeed or use flakes or pellets to feed your fish. Use only the RO/DI water or change your filters on your unit and get a phosphate reactor and rinse any frozen food before you feed the fish....I also use an Aquarepure nitrate filter (Fancy vodka dosing) on my seahorse tank because they are so messy and waste so much food.
If you do give up...LOL...I'm cuter than snake, give your powerheads and heater to me...LOL..JK