I give up!!!


I don't know what the hell to do about my Cyano blooms!
Within MINUTES of turning on my PC's, it shows up on my rock. I mean, in MINUTES!!!
So, I've been running my tank with only my actinics. What is going on?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by NVMYCJ http:///t/389462/i-give-up#post_3442259
I don't know what the hell to do about my Cyano blooms!
Within MINUTES of turning on my PC's, it shows up on my rock. I mean, in MINUTES!!!

So, I've been running my tank with only my actinics. What is going on?!?!?
The cyano is not caused by the lights, it's caused from too many nutrients in the water. overfeeding, not enough water current, and using tap water, all contribute to it. You have phosphates or it couldn't survive. If you get rid of the food it feeds on, you get rid of the bacteria.
Water changes....Increase the water flow to make sure all areas have enough water movement, do not overfeed or use flakes or pellets to feed your fish. Use only the RO/DI water or change your filters on your unit and get a phosphate reactor and rinse any frozen food before you feed the fish....I also use an Aquarepure nitrate filter (Fancy vodka dosing) on my seahorse tank because they are so messy and waste so much food.
If you do give up...LOL...I'm cuter than snake, give your powerheads and heater to me...LOL..JK


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I'm just kidding too. I hope that you don't get out of the hobby. It's actually really easy to "cure" cyanobacteria. You just have to practice good husbandry and a few water changes, algae scrubber or protein skimmer. I have a thread called "Snake's Methods" that you can find all kinds of information about cyano, hair algae and other nuisances. I hope it all works out.


I've done water changes...
I can't add another powerhead in my BioCube....
I've decreased feeding amounts....
I don't use a heater...
Is it time to change my PC bulbs. They're the culprit. After turning them on,...the cyano blooms begin. The picture is 15 minutes after the PC's turn on. (It looks worse in person)


I have to disagree with the IT'S EASY to beat cyano...AND the lights have nothing to do with it
I have been battling cyano in my 28G cube also.....it is a PITA and with limited space powerheads are hard to position
Have you turned your lights out at all? I left ALL my lights off for 4 days.....did not turn them on at all.....and when I did, I limited them to a couple of hours, and slowly increased the time
ALSO how old are your pcs? I also changed mine out. rearranged powerheads....and some rocks....you have to make sure each area is getting hit with some sort of flow. My cyano is 99% gone. I do get a SMALL spot here and there after the lights are on for a few hours, BUT I siphon it out immediately....I know it has to do with my rock formations, BUT I don't want to tear it apart...LOL
I also changed a Powerhead from a nano to a Koralia 550.....I have 2 in my tank....one nano is pointed across the back wall, and the other is 3/4 up the back facing foward


Well-Known Member
Okay...I'm confused. This is what i have been led to believe...via this forum.
Cyano needs nutrients to live...it isn't the lights. Phosphates, overfeeding, poor water quality or flow. If the bacteria can find a quiet spot to just let food linger and pool...the cyano will sprout there. Hair algae and other algae love light...cyano is a bacteria.
If the aforementioned is correct, then why would turning off the lights have anything to do with it?


Flower.....the lights are ONE of the contributing factors.....not the only one.....you really need to do many things to combat cyano.....but light does feed it too


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/389462/i-give-up#post_3443094
Flower.....the lights are ONE of the contributing factors.....not the only one.....you really need to do many things to combat cyano.....but light does feed it too
LOL...I need my dizzy icon...I can never get things straight anymore.