i got a 2 week old bamboo today


I think someone did tell you what to do to keep your tank healthy. Take the shark back to the LFS till your tanks is ready.


Active Member
You can't "keep the tank stable". It IS going to cycle. The only way to help it out would be to add some sand from an already established tank.

bang guy

Definately a real cutie.
I haven't said anything and I won't, but I will appologize next month when you post a pic of your healthy shark.
I hope I hafta appologize :)


Active Member
hey love the shark and i think it is rediculous that people have to be like this.:mad:
Let us help u or at least me, e-mail me please milkmanf12@aol.com
how long has the tank been set-up? what do u have for filteration?
I will help get u threw this with out having to give ur shark totaly back.
Why do people have to be like this. Just becuase u know so much u just go on make fun of people. U where like this once.
Please e-mail me!!!!


just tested 5 min ago...ammo .30 nitrite .25 nitrate 15
What level will be deadly for the shark? i know i screwed up but please let me know what levels will be too much for him? he still looks good and i fed him a few silversides a few min ago.. thanks


Active Member
The ammonia will probably kill him. Mainly because that is what will spike first. The nitrite would probably kill him too. See if you can get some live sand from someone else's established tank or from the lfs. It will have alot good bacteria to break down the ammonia and trites. It will probably help keep the levels down a little.


A shark is a shark, and by that I mean hes gonna eat no matter what the levels are. Just cause hes eating dosent mean hes fine. It like putting yourself in the garage with the car running. You are still alive but every breath sucks. By changing a little bit of the water to keep things stabilized, its just like opening the garage window for a minute and litting in a small amount of fresh air.
Now, the only thing you can do is wait it out. The tank HAS to cycle. the ammonia has to spike in order for the bacteria to grow. The nitrItes HAVE to spike in order to get turned into nitrAtes.
CDubbs, this entire hobby is all about patience. Just be patient. You may lose fish, I sure did when I first started out. Then after killing a few I bought a book. I read the book. I waited. I was patient. I havnt had to buy a fish in years. None die, because I educated myself. You will get it. Dont dispair. You may lose some, you may not. Be patient. I wish you the best.
As a side note: Nobody here is trying to be mean to you. It is not a personal insult. After being in the hobby for a while you get to see people stocking their tanks too quickly again and again. Nobody here wants your fish to die. Remember a week or two ago I suggested you turn on all your filters to settle the cloudiness. Then I told you to start the cycle with a piece of cocktail shrimp from your grocery store. That would have jumpstarted the cycle faster than a few poops form a couple of damsels. Now you may lose most, if not all, of your fish.
I have seen that scenario many times. People dump big bucks worth of fish into their tanks, they die, people get discouraged and sell their tanks. I see it all the time.
Be patient and let the tank stabilize all by itself. When it does your animals will be happy and healthy. Good Luck.


Active Member
The levels are going up and that is not a good sign...You are at about a week to ten days into a new tank?... 50-55 gal with just two damsels and your Shark?...
With that much water and that little bio load your tank is just beginning to cycle, and the levels WILL go up from here...
I can't give you an exact number for ammonia or nitrIte that will be "deadly" for your Shark but as it goes up (and it will) it will become more and more Uncomfortable...even Harmful for your Shark to be in there...:( Until your Shark buddie Dies...And Nobody wants that to happen to such a magnificent creature.
If I or anyone else on this board pushed this point to the point of being rude...I appologize...But it was all being done to bring home the point that we've seen it before...Time and Time again
I believe Everyones concerned and hopes for the best in your Saltwater experience as well as the well being of the creatures in your tank...Whose very survival is dependent on the decisions YOU are going to make.
Please take this in the spirit of concern that it is written...Make arrangements for the LFS that sold you the Shark to "Hold it" for you for a couple of weeks while your tank finishes cycling.
Offer to pay for "room and board" (care and feeding) and tell them you'll be in to visit from time to time to "visit" and check on his well being. If they care enough to keep you as a regular/repeat customer they will quite likely do this for you.
I would hate to see you go through the anguish of knowing you could have done something different...
Please take him back, for now, Test and watch your levels through the complete cycle, stay on this board and learn everything you can to make your saltwater/shark experience as enjoyable and productive as possible.


ok thanks..i will talk to my lfs tomorrow..if for some reason they do say no..my shark will deffinantly die? will a water change or ammo lok help? This sux..sharks should be hardier than stupid damsels


Active Member
I don't think anyone can say he'll "definetly die" but we can say with certainty it will not be a pleasent or healty experiance.
Please try HARD to get the LFS to help you out...If they definetly won't ther are a few "tricks" you can"try" but they are not in the realm of "Let's try that instead so I can Keep my Shark."
More of a better than nothing and watch him die approach...:(


ok well im gonna go to the lfs tomorrow and incase they dont take him back i have water in a 5gal bucket with an airstone in it and salt of course..if i cant give him to the store to hold for me than i will put him in the bucket tomorrow while i set up a 10gal to keep him in for a little while..so by the time the 10gal gets ammonia i hope the 55gal will be ok..what about water change or ammo lok???


Active Member
You are between a rock and a hard spot and now your heading for a cliff...SLOW DOWN ;)
If it took ten days to raise the ammonia in a 55 gal tank ...the same Shark will raise the ammonia in two days in a 10 gal tank...That's not long enough for your main to cycle/stabalize/change...Now your Shark would be out of the frying pan and into the fire...
In other words it would be MORE stressful to move your Shark into a smaller tank that is inherently LESS stable than a larger tank.
Use the Five gal of aged/aerated water for a water change in the 55...Dillution is the Solution to Pollution...
Amquell will convert the toxic Ammonia to less toxic ammoniUm...(still bad stuff) and not affect the cycle process...
You still have NitrItes to deal with...
"Cycle" or "Prime" is additional beneficial bacteria (like the kind on LR/LS that does the converting, without the additional bio load of "die off from additional LR) Which will speed up the process of multiplying beneficial bacteria, helping cycle along.
Continue to test and do small/continuous water changes to keep levels down...This will stretch out your cycle for a longer time and only give your Shark "tolerable" conditions rather than healthy or pleasant living conditions.
It's going to be alot of work, take longer than it should, will be STRESSFUL to your Shark, and MAY NOT work anyway...
I hope you can see the importance of convincing the LFS to hold your Shark for you while your tank cycles in a more 'Normal" fashion.
They may be worried about a "Guarantee" to keep your Shark alive...Tell them you Don't need a guarantee because you know the Shark has a better chance with them than in a "Cycling" tank.


ok sounds good..i just did a 5 gallon water change with that water..i am gonna take him back tomorrow around 6pm..hope he makes it till than..i can tell his breathing has picked up a little..how long do u think they will have to hold him for? I used cycle when i started the tank and i have ls and lr..i will get another piece of rock tomorrow..should i add another damsel? and squid thanks for ur help and concern..i cant wait till he is back in my tank and everything is cycled...he is such a cool animal.


Active Member
Do everything you can. I guess ill jump on the band wagon too but didn't you have a 55 as well? I think i remember telling you not to put a shark in there last week. I realize that they are cool but if you stress him out enough he may never recover and you just wasted 70 dollars.... Sharks are very delicate newly hatched. Half the battle with a salt tank is the first month. To qoute another board memeber i think he said, "success is not measured in days or weeks, but years" I think im quoting someone. I certainly didn't think of it.
Having worked in 2 lfs i've seen what happens to a tank when you do things to quick.


Active Member
I would say....yes ,but just a minimal dosage.
Ammolok is similar to Amquel in it's detoxifying effects and a Little won't hurt/may help, but a large dose will just be adding chemical stress to an already stressed fish.
The heavy breathing is a bad sign...but may be related to the "new" water...MAKE SURE you aerate the next batch of water for at least 24 hrs. before adding. Fresh mixed saltwater is unstable and irritating to the fish. :(


ok thanks..well im gonna add a little bit of the ammo lock just to try and relieve some stress..i am DEFINANTLY going to let the store hold him for me until my tank is ready..i guess i should have just put a deposit down on him and took him when i was ready..well once again everyone who tried to help thank you and everyone else F#*K u


Nobody has mentioned this yet. A cycle is AT LEAST 30 DAYS.....
Some longer.
And my opinion on the ammo lock and amquel is different than the above. If you add that stuff I think you are just delaying the cycle. Time is the key. It may reduce the toxic effect on the shark for a little while, but the tank still has to go through the ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte spike. Ammo Lock will inhibit this.
Best of luck, CDubbs...


Active Member
I'm very glad to hear that you are taking the shark back! It will certainly save his life.:) :D Just don't be in a hurry to get him back. Make sure your ammonia and trites are at ZERO!