i got a new nametag today.


Active Member
aparrently, my name is now Nashay. i will only answer to Nashay from this point forward. i used to be Lanesha, but i traded that one to my friend. I think i got the better end of that deal. I have no idea who has the Alix nametag.


Active Member
actually, the original Alix nametag is in Nice, France because my friend, who was a foreign exchange student, stole it from me. but then i got another one, which disappeared after like a week. pretty soon ill have one that says Alixandra, ill have to hold onto that one. i wish i had one that said Flo. that would be pretty cool.


Active Member
NOOOOOOOOOO I can't stand FLO from the commercials... I'd have to change lines if she was checking me out at a store.


Active Member
i have a friend that says that every time he sees that commercial he thinks of me because of that girl. i hope thats not a bad thing. i find her annoying too. thank god for tivo.


Active Member
Life would be so much better without commercials.... I've done away with them listening to music... and a lot from TV -- but the tv runs in the background ALL night at work so no way getting around them there.


Active Member
Nashay huh? I have to wear a nametag that says Keebler. Although, I went to golden corral with my friends a few nights ago and saw someone with a nametag that said Kujo. Scary girl she was.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
I thought it would be all big and tricked out and you'd have to go by "FLO"
Man, I just about choked on my coffee with this one.
(not necessarily in a good way, just very "on the ball" with the name tag thread.)


Active Member
attention all:
i am no longer Nashay. i am now Michael. i traded Nashay to my cousin's boyfriend.
again, epic win on my part.