I got it! Can I see some 72g Bowfronts???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
SCUMBAG FEDEX. Those bastids. lol. Supposed to get me fiji LR today frum tha Doctiz, but SCUMBAG FEDEX had "no plane space" in Memphis, Tennessee, so my big box is delayed till tomorrow. Those SCUMBAGS. Paid fer overnight, and wont git it. I can guarantee a fight for some money back lol. SCUMBAGS! :hilarious
Bettah be hee-yah in tha mornin' right aftah I eat my bacon, scrambled eggs, home fries 'n wheat toast, or else I'm gonna beat sumbuddies azz.
Flight delay........SCUMBAGS!
get them!!!! lol

jonny bolt

Sweet tank koon7. What fish ya gut in theya?
Ok, so I decided I did things wrong, and went ahead and dragged the 38g back in and put my fish in there. I decided it would be easier to cycle the new LR in the bowfront cuz I could aquascape without the fish in the tank. This way none of them get PO'd at me, and I dont have to worry about accidently sticking my hand near my Lion lol. The fish are still doing well back in their old tank lol, and I finished most of my aquascaping in the Bowfront. I may change a few things once I get my lights and the fish are in after the cycle is complete, but overall I am very happy with how it came out. I got my "path" with the tunnel off to the side like I always wanted. It got to a point where everything seemed to just fit perfectly thus making it look natural. Thats the biggest thing for me I think, natural. I dont like things to look placed, so alot of the time I just drop things and where ever they land, they stay. Here is a preview.....

As mentioned above, unfortunately I do not have my new light setup yet
:mad: I know I will enjoy much more with PC lighting. Hope to have a new skimmer this week or next week as well. I will also be getting a Flame Angel. After that, I want a fish that is blue, comparable to an Atlantic Pygmy Angel, so any ideas for a fish with that type of color, I would like to hear them! If I had a bigger tank, I would get a Powder Blue Tang lol.
Friggin FedEx. I got my 72 dollars for overnight shipping back, so I'm happy about that. Thats what I call real
FREE shipping LMAO! I ended up getting 50 pounds of the Drs. Premium Fiji LR for $120 lol. Alot of which was ancient fused porite colonies. Sweet!!!

jonny bolt

Wickid nice. I am going to come ovah and steal all you guys' corals!

Maybe FedEx will be late with my Orbit light setup like they were with the LR, so I can get free ovahnight shippin' again! MMMWWWUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHAAA.............BBBWWWWWUUAAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAAA


well i have
1 yellow tang 1 sailfin tang 1 percula clown 1 red scooter blenny 1 engineer goby 1 blue fin damsel

jonny bolt

Well, things are going well. Just need to pump up my cleaning crew though. I got another 45 pounds of premium fiji LR coming on Weds. morn from the Drs. Their premium LR is covered with tons of coralline. Cant wait to get the next batch so I can re-aquascape....I have been aquascaping like every week almost HAHA. Once I get the next box of LR I will build a more "permanent" aquascape. Here is some of the latest pics...


jonny bolt

Thanks. Puffiz is doing great! After a short stint in lockdown lol, he is back fa tha attack and doing well. Ich is gone for now, hopefully never to return again.
I am gonna redo the whole tank after I cure the next batch of LR.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Thanks. Puffiz is doing great! After a short stint in lockdown lol, he is back fa tha attack and doing well. Ich is gone for now, hopefully never to return again.
I am gonna redo the whole tank after I cure the next batch of LR.
So the fresh water dip didn't work for him huh? Did you Send him up to the Dreaded QT prision???? LOL Hold long was he locked up for?

jonny bolt

Actually it worked, cuz all the crap was gone, except 3 or 4 (visible) specks on his dorsal fin. BUt I wanted to make sure so I locked him up on the 10 gallon prison for 8 days. I just put him back in a few hours ago, and he has already layed his belly down on his fave perch and gone to sleep
(the lights are out in the tank)
When I redo the tank in a few weeks, I may have to use that oppurtunity to get the puffer back out again and find him a new home, cuz I want to have more inverts again. I need to add to my Cleanup Crew, considering I only have one large Hermit, one Cerith Snail (hitchhiker from the last batch of rock) and one HUGE Turbo left lol. Puffahz ate up all the other Ceriths I originally had, as well as a dozen Turbo's, an also did in my Peppermint Shrimp. I hate to do it, but I want more inverts, esp. shrimp. I'd like to have a Coral Banded or something. Getting him out while aquascaping might help me avoid another "Puff Up". I think he puffed up on me last time cuz I snipered him while he was sleeping. I guess he thought that was unfair. Boy, he wuz some pissed