I got my cube!


After yesterdays discussion about my tank and its lack of light- I went and bought the nano cube- 29 gallon! See my first pic.


Active Member
Congrats, but, is that a clown fish in a tank that was just filled up?? You need to cycle your tank before adding any fish.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Congrats, but, is that a clown fish in a tank that was just filled up?? You need to cycle your tank before adding any fish.
Yep.. my tank was cycled. I just moved everything over. Thanks tho- its been a rough couple of months!


So did you take back the copperband? You still have the anemone? He may not like having gone from not much light to a way bright light in his face and may move. If he doesn't come out for a while you may want to move him out of the direct light. I don't know much about anemonies but that is what I would suggest.


Originally Posted by Fibinotchi
So did you take back the copperband? You still have the anemone? He may not like having gone from not much light to a way bright light in his face and may move. If he doesn't come out for a while you may want to move him out of the direct light. I don't know much about anemonies but that is what I would suggest.
Copperband went back, but I am trying to keep the anenome. That is a good idea about the light, i will give him today then decide what to do. He is definately NOT happy.
Things are looking OK with my tests as of last night, but the nitrates are slightly high. I am going to check in a few minutes to see what they are doing now. Made a bunch of water to do a quick change if needed.


Originally Posted by meowzer
What type of lights come with a "cube"?
What are the #'s of your nitrates?
My nitrates were about 5.0 ppm, but my ammonia is .25 ppm. I did about a 10% water change about an hour ago.
Lights are 72watts CF and has 8 LED moonlights. There is also 2 pumps giving a nice water flow. Not sure my anenome is gonna make it tho. I turned the moonlights on for now so he isn't overwhelmed with the new light.
I wish I knew what I was doing.


Originally Posted by nissan577
is that the new HQI one???? take a full tank shot! like with the outside and such

This is the Aqua Euro 28 gallon. It is almost exactly the same as the Oceanic, but it has TWO flow pumps and the light bulbs are way easier to change. Also it has LED lights. :
