I hate my teeth!

nemo lover

Went to the dentist today. I am offically Broke. I had two molars #18 and dunno the other # root canals. OMFG I am in sooooo much pain. I can't sleep, I cant eat, It hurts to swallow, and I can't stop thinking about the poor tang in the dentist office with ich, and latterall line<sp. Why does it have to be so expensive?? I still have to go back for posts and crowns!! OMG!! I dont know who makes the prices but owch!!


Active Member
im 17 and i have all 4 wisdom teeth coming in now, i really want them out, but i know its gonna hurt for a while.


Active Member
I definitely plan to get porcelin (sp?) veneers as soon as I can afford them.


Active Member
im lucky i guess. ill be going into 9th grade next year and i got all my wisdom teeth taken out in 7th grade. along with 4 others. so that makes 8 teeth pulled at once! they had to cut my wisdom teeth out, and i was in a lot of pain for a while. but im glad i got it over with because a lot of people i know are having to get theirs taken out now. good luck


I had mine out last christmas wasn't too bad other than i was allergic to anesthea (sp) and i threw up alot but not bad take vicadin and sleep and you'll be fine :D


Active Member
Go for the Gas, it is soooo much fun. My brother and I got our wisdom teeth pulled at the same time. I was high as a kite, my brother was puking like crazy. Does different things to different people. After the surgery it was only a day or two of pain. They give you pretty strong pain

so dont sweat it.....
:joy: :joy: :jumping: :jumping:

nemo lover

No gas her just a shot in the mouth. Now all I can feel is throbing. These pain killers are not working. They make me real hyper?? All I want to do is sleep.
007 my husband had all eight front teeth done with porcelyn veeners. They looks great! It took him a little time to heal, but it was worth it.


I have had 1 wisdom and 1 moler pulled and neither was bad. I had my molar pulled after I had my daughter because it had broke in half while I was pregnant. I thought for sure it was going to hurt so I kept taking my tylenol 3 until they were gone. I never let them wear off because I was afraid I would be in pain. When I had my wisdom tooth out I wanted to see if it would actually hurt so I never took any meds. Didn't hurt at all. If you get vicodin you have to be careful because it has different effects on people. I could only take half of one or I would get dizzy and sick from a hole one. I only took them whenever my hip was acting up though. My daughter did something to my hip when I was pregnant and now I feel like an old lady all the time. Sometimes I can't even walk on it.


Active Member
I have a terrible fear of dentists. Hadn't been in like 7 years but started to get a sharp pain in a molar last summer. So went in and the diagnosis was a crack...but only based on symptoms. So the first attempt (being conservative) was to try and fill it and hope the newer fillings would hold it together. That didn't work so a temporary crown was put on to see if that would work. No go, so that meant a root canal (which actually didn't hurt me a bit but probably because there was no infection involved, which is usually where the pain comes from). Then a permanent crown. It actually still hurts! Not all the time, and the sensitive toothpaste helps, but sometimes there is the sharp pain....so judgement is it is a fracture that goes to the tip of the root, and eventually the tooth will need to be pulled
But I've had 2 oral surgeries (one for a wisdom tooth, the other because my 12 yr molar was stuck under my 6 year molar). 2 wisdom teeth were no shows :D Then I think I had 4 other teeth pulled for braces if I recall. Ugh. Can't stand teeth issues


Active Member
Tell me about it ... I can break a tooth eating jello. The dentist tells me there's nothing I can do, it's inherited. Then I sit back while my dog chomps through bone with no problem! I think the man upstairs got it backwards! :D


Active Member
Although I do tend to chew on hard candies, popcorn seeds and other no-nos, my current "story" is that I cracked this tooth after biting on a pearl in a fried oyster. That did happen, I am just not sure it was the cause. Not even a nice pearl tho :(

nemo lover

this is my first time ever needing a rootcanal..I have an infection.. is it supposed to hurt this bad? If I could desribe it I would have to say..." bring on the babies" cause I would have three more before I go through this again! What is hydrocodone is it strong stuff? Maybe I need something stronger? I'm going to give it till the morning if I don't feel better I'm gonna call the doc.
My Dentist told me teeth were not hereiditary,<sp .
Cause I always blamed my bad teeth on my parents.(both have dentures) He said that has nothing to do with it.. Maybe I was lied to?


Active Member
I think it depends on the sort of issue you have. Some issues can be hereditary (enamel issues for example).
What is hurting you is the infection. The root canal helps deal with the infection but people draw the connection between the pain and the root canal...and not the pain and the infection CURED by the root canal. So the root canal is the solution to the pain :yes: I'm a denta-phobe (or perhaps as Kramer once put it, and "anti-dentite") but it wasn't so bad. I did have some gas though and that helps to relax some people. I didn't really have any pain at all, so can't help you much with the pain suggestions. :(


Active Member
I've had plenty of root canals and got by comfortably with nothing more than Tylenol with Codein (sp) Pretty mild stuff compared to what's available. Hang in there Nemo lover, you'll be fine.



How long has it been since you had this root canal? If it has been longer than 24 hours and you are still in this much pain you need to call the dentist. If you are taking pain killers and they are not helping hten something is not right. You still can develop and absess or infection. This is what would cause the persistent pain. Keep in mind that most pain medicine should make the pain tolerable if it doesn't then something is not right. You should not be in uncontrollable pain. You could also ask the dentist if you can rotate between tylenol and motrin every 2 hours. I hope this helps and hope that you feel better soon. Do not wait to call for help, this only makes things worse.
Hydrocodone is a analgesic....generic for vicodine or lortab. It is used for mild to moderate pain. Maybe taken with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Hope I helped with any of your questions. Hydrocodone can be hard on your stomach as well and yes it will keep you awake for the most part.


Active Member
OOOps.... Duh, I just realized you already had the root canal. If the pain persists and is really unbearable, I agree ... call the dentist. Hang in there! :D

nemo lover

well.. I already have an infection I wasn't going away so they did the root canals anyway. Yes I just got the work done yesterday. I will call them asap.